GN launching a Jabra branded M&RIE product at Costco


And here for ReSound One:

Tech specifications for the receivers start on page 72 in the Jabra user guide, and page 81 of the ReSound One guide.


Sooooo helpful. Thank you so much, jay-man2.

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You folks are amazingly helpful!


The user guides have technical specifications which, as mentioned, are identical for the Resound One and Jabra aids. What I’d can’t find is list of the features that are included on the Jabra aid. If you scroll down on the Resound page link, you’ll find the technical data sheet that shows the Resound One features on the M+RIE and standard aids, with separate columns for the 9 and 7 series. I haven’t found a similar data sheet for the Jabras, however.

Brand babble. Very appropriate terms for this market.

I’ve worn several iterations of Costco branded GN Resound aids for many years and the information about them on GN’s site (when you can find it) has always identified them as an 8 series.

A Costco employee told me once that they are supposed to be identical to the 9 series except for Tinnitus correction, which Costco doesn’t want to support because it tends to require more frequent adjustments and would cost the company too much under their unlimited free adjustments policy.

The Jabra user guide has a whole section on the Tinnitus management feature.

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[Reprinted from addendum to my original post, above.]

I picked up the Jabra Enhance Pro PM aids today. I have the standard MP receivers. With the demo aids we could never eliminate a weird feedback situation in the left ear, even after getting GN support on the line, so these were ordered with MP receivers.

I do need to correct a couple of things from my earlier posts.

  1. As another poster said earlier, the ReSound premium charger does not work with these aids. Costco sells one that does, and I’ll look into that at some point.

  2. While the Tinnitus Sound Generator is described in the user guide, the Costco fitting software does not implement that feature.

I’ve only had these a couple of hours, but like them so far. I’m using the new closed domes, and seem to get better bass than I did with tulip domes with my Prezas. There also seems to be better sound definition and separation with these aids. I can hear more individual sounds in any particular situation. Music in the car seemed pretty good too.

More as I get some use under my belt.


Great to read your report. I pick mine up July 1, no demo so I guess I get the mic in ear one. There is so little info on them, and you are the first person I’ve heard about that actually has them.

Thanks for sharing your initial thoughts. Trying them out in a week. I will have to make the decision on whether to keep the Prezas or return them and try something else.

Got mine a few hours ago. She gave me the regular receiver, without the mic in ear. Said she felt it would work better for me, and I’m glad.

Did REM, and so far they are working great. This weekend will be a good time to test them out because we are having out of town family and I will be in challenging situations. First impression is excellent. Will follow up Monday with how that worked through the weekend.


Does Costco even have the M&RIE receiver available to try or could “I think the standard will work better for you” be an excuse for having a short supply? I guess it depends on how closed a dome or custom mold you might want to wear but from your audiogram, it does seem like you’re a borderline case for being able to wear the M&RIE receiver and since I’m about in the same place at the high frequencies, it’s discouraging to hear a Costco fitter might think the M&RIE receiver might be more problematic - but then again, I like to wear a pretty closed fit. I’m also interested, if Costco works that way, to try out as many different brand demo models and receivers to go with them, as their fitting policies allow, at least for walks around the store.

Costco has the M&RIE receivers.

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Yesterday I went in to Costco website and saw some different info. Looks like now they have a Kirkland brand with rechargeable‘s which they did not have exactly a year ago when I bought my Resound Preza’s. And I think they are cheaper of course than the Preza’s by many hundred dollars. Charger is free also. Also they no longer carry the Preza. because I suppose Resound One is taking its place but it does me no good because I’m severe to profound.

Preza’s were expensive. $2500 pr + $200 for charger. I have been quite pleased with them. No receiver problems yet. :+1::+1::+1:

Is this problematic with Costco hopping around from one brand to another so often.?

Tomorrow I am going to make an appointment to have some adjustments made because my hearing in noise or two conversations at once is becoming terrible. Still having too many times asking people to repeat. Even then I don’t always understand.
Oh well there is much worse things in this world than loss of hearing. A classmate of mine just lost her second son with in two months. Cancer and then major Brain Hemorrhage. We are blessed.

I don’t understand what you’re saying about if it’s problematic with Costco hopping around from one brand to another. Who makes their Kirkland hearing aid tends to change every 2 years, but I don’t see that as being a problem. Preza has been replaced by a Jabra model similar to Resound One. price is down to $1800.

Yup called the Kirkland Signature 10 - mainly “KS10” here. Been out a few moths now. Similar to the Phonak paradise Audeo 90rt. There is an 800 post thread about it in the hearing aid forum :smiley:

As an absolute that is a lot of money - Sadly not expensive relatively speaking - Great price for a decent pair of HAs.

No more than Apple bringing out a new iPhone every year - at least Costco seems to be making them cheaper each time! It is, essentially, evolution of the technology - as well as marketing :smiley:

Here is the current line-up/range including the Jabra which was added last month.

Hope you find what you need :smiley:


Hi, Anita

Perhaps the Jabra Pro Enhance device wasn’t explained very well to you at Costco.

Yes, it’s true that the device with the M&RIE (microphone AND receiver in the ear) can only accommodate up to about a 65 to 70 dB loss. However, there are more standard receivers very similar to those that come with the Prezas that are designed to deal with loss requiring high-power or ultra-power receivers. These forego the microphone in the ear (won’t work because of feedback issues with very high-powered, high sound amplification receivers in the ear and having a microphone nearby). But with the standard receivers that just use the two microphones on each Jabra HA body behind the ear, you should still get many of the other advantages of the newer model if you like the Prezas and could afford to upgrade to the Jabra. Since Costco has the 180-day return period if not satisfied with the product, perhaps you could afford to try them but at the very least, you might want to find a Costco fitter who’s able to guide you carefully and explain things clearly to you so you make choices you can live with.

I wouldn’t say Costco is “hopping” from one model to another. Your Prezas come with a 3-year warranty, a 5-year warranty if you bought them with a Costco credit card. That means replacement or refurbishment will be available through Costco for FIVE YEARS down the line for the Prezas from the time you first walked out the door with them. You won’t be forced to give them up in any way. It’s no different than a car dealership. You return a year later and now they’re going to start selling the 2022 models. But you can still keep your 2021 or 2020 model car for a long, long time. No one is forcing you to give it up.

There is always “buyer’s remorse.” Nothing can save you from that but yourself. As you yourself mention there are a lot more serious things in life than finding out that last year’s model has now been replaced by a newer model. And you were once very happy with the “old model.” But now you’re not.

Web page to find various Jabra Pro Enhance support info: Jabra Enhance Pro PM | Jabra Support

Tech data sheet on Jabra Pro HP and UP Receivers (compare to your Prezas):
Note the HP only go to 7140 Hz, the UP only to 5010 Hz (click on image to enlarge!)


Hi Jim,

Sorry if I sounded like I have buyers remorse, I really don’t. These have been working fairly well for me and I just need to go in and perhaps have them re-adjusted. I guess I was surprised that prices are going down instead of up like they usually do. At the time I know I got the latest.

I believe my Receivers are MP so I would have a way yet to go for volume which I don’t need. Unless HP or UP give more than volume.

As we all know it is not always volume but clarity that we need.

I am not a techie or HA knowledgeable at all. I am sure Costco will help me because I have been very satisfied with their fitter. Not pushy at all.

Also, we can all agree that Costco has the best prices in town. My daughter in luv works for a large HA clinic that has 3-4 Audies and with them these Resounds would have been $6000.

My apologies for sounding crabby or testy.