I use Dark Reader extension on firefox for that issue.
Try Dark Reader extension. I use firefox.
The one thing about Dark Reader, which I use, too, is that it “reads” the contents of the web pages you’re viewing in order to intelligently convert them to Dark Mode.
On the Dark Reader website, under FAQ, the devs say, “The extension needs these permissions to be able to analyze and modify website’s appearance and apply site-specific settings. We do not insert ads and do not collect any data or send it anywhere.” Dark Reader code is open-source and available on GitHub, allowing it to be reviewed by security experts and others. There have been no significant reports of security flaws and it’s a popular browser extension although it may have trouble converting some sites to dark mode. As with any extension, it’s something extra you’re adding to your browser, and just like they say for computer add-ons, it extends the attack surface… . But just like @flashb1024, I’m likely to be turning my copy of Dark Reader on for HT until it gets its own built-in dark mode again.
There’s a toggle switch in your browser to the right of the URL locator by which you can turn dark mode on or off:
Unfortunately, with the default cream background of the site, instead of getting a BLACK background with Dark Reader, you get a muddy brown.
If I go to my account profile (Preferences, the Interface, then switch the Theme from Default to White Background, the Dark Reader-converted screen is then a more pleasant dark blue background like the following (YMMV):
Give it a try. It’s a handy extension to have around when you get tired of looking at a blazing white (or cream) screen!
P.S. The original “dark blue” obtained by going to a white background now looks blacker after toggling Dark Reader off and on again. Again, YMMV.
@AbramBaileyAuD Hey, any chance you could turn off the notifications or at least run a reset so they don’t clock all the legacy ones you might not have viewed.
It’s getting a bit like the film Zulu…
How many are there Chard?
Farzhans (Thousands) of them, Sir.
Yes I have over 200 notifications telling me all the posts I didn’t answer.
Anyone else who is having trouble understanding how to reset their password because they don’t see a link to do it, just click on the paragraph of text under the password box… the one that starts, “We recently changed to a new login system…” Just click anywhere on the paragraph, and you’ll be able to enter your account email address and reset your password. No it doesn’t look like a link, but it is. That took me about 10 minutes to figure out, and confusion over this is probably one reason why there are members giving up on resetting their password and just creating new accounts instead. I’m already up to “hamjor1” after being unable to resurrect “hamjor” years ago when I no longer had access to an old email account. I didn’t want to go to “hamjor2.”
Shame on you!!! gotta get 20 characters to post.
Thanks SO much for this! I was going nuts.
People having trouble: Listen to Hamjor!
Click anywhere on the blue text paragraph. There is no obvious graphic device to suggest a link. Turns out the whole paragraph is the link. Just put in your address in the previous box and you’ll receive a reset email.
Jim, thanks for the detailed report on Dark Reader, and especially getting rid of the diarrhea background!!
I really need a dark background. the white is painful for my eyes.
You’d be wise to read the previous comments before posting this, but 'caus I’mma nice guy, check out Post 22, and 23, which describe how to use Dark Reader until they fix the dark theme.
Funny, I tried to make that link unmissable…
Will look into how, might be tomorrow. Just got back from a short trip with family.
Some of the older audiograms seem to be mixed up. for example this one:
(I don’t think this is for real!)
There is an audiogram of a cookie bite. This in the picture is an audiogram of a dinosaur bite.
I am joking.
Actually it’s more one of a @Zebras
@AbramBaileyAuD , I think what’s happening is that the HT audiogram grapher expects certain frequency values. If the user didn’t provide them, then the grapher helpfully substitutes a “0.” The audiogram values I submitted some time ago had no data for 750 Hz, but the grapher has given me a “0” for both ears at that frequency. Everything else looks OK for my audiogram.
@AbramBaileyAuD My audiogram looks equally strange with a couple of zero values
It is simply a very low sampling rate in the conversion from analog to digital waves. < joke >