Download Target software

Hello there, I have a Phonak Nathos Auto SP from NHS. I own a Noahlink wireless device.

If you could let me know which software I need to transfer the audiogram/REM to the Phonak L90, that would be very appreciated.

@tenkan will help you with software but @j484r are you aware that the Noahlink Wireless will not read the Phonak Nathos Auto SP? That needs an iCube II programmer.

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Yes good point @Zebras, those older venture platform will need the iCube ll.
@j484r I don’t think you’ll be able to transfer everything over to the new Lumley models, you may have to add some things manually.

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Hi, I woud really like to set up a spare pair of Phonak Audeo M70-R’s usiing the Target 8.x and Noahlink Wireless, so would appreciate a link to the Target software.
Also wondered about the usefulness of the Phinex app??

Welcome to the forum, sure, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.
As for the App I don’t use it, but there’s a few posts about it, use the the search button to find them.

May i have the link of the software?
I understand that i need Noah wireless device in order to program my naida p70s.
Thank you!

Welcome to the forum, sure, great your giving DIY a go and done some research before jumping in, it’s also a good idea to read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

just received my Noahlink 2 to adjust my paradise 70.
Could someone share a link to software via PM?

Welcome to the forum, sure, but do be sure to read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Goggle is your friend…

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Just got new Phonak L90s a month and a half ago and being a tech nerd, I’d like to be able to fine tune my own HAs. I’ve been researching everything I can find about how to do that. Found a lot of good info here, so ordered a Noahlink v2 that will be here in 2 days. Also, have downloaded the manuals and user guides and started studying them. Now the last item is to acquire the Target 9.0 software which led me to this thread. Thanks in advance for all the help you all will offer when I have questions !

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, since you have the Noahlink on the way you’ll be up and running in no time.

“Thanks in advance for all the help you all will offer when I have questions !”

Sure absolutely, there’s plenty of us doing DIY to help you along.

hi tenkan!
i can’t find any link for download the phonak target software, could you help me to get it!

Hi there, sure, don’t forget the Noahlink wireless for your DIY projects.

DEAR tekan
thanks a lot!!!

Hi folks, another one here looking to use Target. Want to see if I can help a 99 year old(!) with their Phonak Audeo P70 hearing aids. I have the Noahlink wireless. Also, if anyone has any tips or can point me at advice for an ear with an extremely narrow ear canal that would be great. Tried reducing down to just a tip as the smallest dome doesn’t go in her canal without falling out. Just using the tip made for a better fit but also for instant feedback. The deafness here is quite profound on both ears so any advice welcome. Thank you.

I need the phonak target software to be able to adjusting my Phonak Sky V90-SP
I have the hi-pro usb and sc44a cable.

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough but do read the user guides as this is very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hi there, sounds like a difficult fit, as in the age, small canals etc, but is it possible for custom molds?

Sorry tenkan, I was watching my email for replies but didn’t get a notification for some reason. Moulds would be outside my skillset. I’ve managed to program a set of Resound HAs for my father-in-law and that seems to have worked out ok. I’m not familiar with Phonak, this is what his sister has, but hopefully the test/fit process in the target software is similar. Getting back to the moulds, she does have a pair of resound Ambio 98 HAs with moulds but I’m guessing these were unsatisfactory given she moved on to the Phonak Audeo P70s. Unless the programming on the Ambio HAs just got dated and could be improved. I presume the Phonaks are infinitely more capable but if the presence of moulds on the Ambios make them worth a look I’d be glad to take advice on how to program those. They don’t have receivers but have the little tubes running through the moulds. It has crossed my mind to consider trying to adapt these moulds to house the wire/receivers of the Phonaks but that may not be the best idea. It’s only one canal that is very narrow so she has suggested herself even one HA is the wider canal might give benefit. Would appreciate thoughts on the above and a link to the Target S/W if deemed appropriate. Thanks for taking the time to read.
UPDATE: sorry, see replies re software now. Many thanks to all.