DIY - Self Programming, How to Find Fitting Software

I was able to get my software, thank you for your help! This is a great forum and I’m going to be trying to learn as much as I can about these hearing aids and their programming. Thanks!

Not able to download some oticon documentations. Then I found this message:

Oops!!! Big companies are not immune to technical difficulties.

I was able to get the materials and G 2019.1 from the Canada website.


The latest release is this one:


You can download it from here:


I did go to that uk website and got a message that it could not find that server IP address.

That’s odd, I just checked it again and it comes right up on my computer. Try this link and see if it works:

If it does then just click the “Download” button to get to the page where you can download the Genie software.

I tried using 2 computers and got the same error message when trying to download the flexible updater. I tried different browsers and got the same errors.

For some reason, phonak target 5.2 isn’t finding my aids anymore, hoping to try 6.0 or greater to see if it works… does anyone have a link they could share? thanks!

Can you reach other web sites in the UK?

Try this one:

Or this one:

I discovered that its the Flexible Installer link that is not working. The full installer 2019.2 works fine. I had to download 2019.2. For some reason 2019.1 updater that was installed in computer will not update to 2019.2

Hi just currently got the Starkey livio ai 2400 and I could really use the inspire software I’m missing the fall assist and thrive assistant and gain needs to go up for my profound loss

I’m also looking for a working Phonak Target 6 software. Thank you for your support! :hugs:

Hi All,

I’m looking for the Phonak Target 6 software to program my Marvel aids. Any chance someone has a working link handy? Thanks!

Hello. I need a link for phonak target 6 plus and thank you.

Phonak Target 6.0.2 or newer wanted…,solved, thanks…

Please send me a link to Phonak Target 6.0.2.
Thank You.


Could someone give me a link for Phonak Target 6 version or newer?

Thank you :slight_smile:

edit: solved

I’m looking for the latest Widex Compass GPS software to fine tune my Widex Clear HA.

Looking for starkey inspire for my hi pro plz