DIY - Self Programming, How to Find Fitting Software

Hi, i’m looking for Beltone SolusMax. Thanks
EDIT: I got those link, thanks for help.

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thanks to everyone who tries to help me with my problem. starkey seems to be the builder, but unfortunately the normal starkey software does not work with the Telefunken hearing aids - maybe someone out there has the “real” Telefunken fitting software?

There is a Multi-Brand Inspire 2018 for (Starkey, Audibel, AGX, micro tech, NuEar) floating around. But it is old, 2018, and it is static, you cannot update it. Also, it needs to be isolated from the Starkey-only Inspire because if you take a software update, then the whole thing reverts to Starkey-only.

Unless you are lucky enough to find something like Multi-Brand Inspire then I think you are out of luck because it is not likely that a Telefunken vendor will be motivated to help you.


Looking for Harmony II ME 8.5.5 software. Any chance anyone knows how I can get a copy?
Plz PM me.

Got it, thanks for sharing!

Hello. Any kind soul could share a link to get Phonak Target software for venture HA please? Really appreciate your kind assistance, thank you

Would anyone be so kind as to share Target 6.0 software with me please? Thank you!!

Looking for the latest Phonak Target 6.x. Thank you in advance.

i’m looking for latest Phonak Target 6.x. Thank you very much!!

UPDATE: I got, thanks for help!

Hi everyone,

I am looking for the old Widex Compass v5. Can somebody help me please?

Many thanks!

Hello! I just bought Resound Linx 3D from Costco and I’m looking for Smart Fit software. Can’t seem to get from Resound website (Requires Pro login ?)

Anyone have a link or recommendation on how to obtain ?

Have a great day!

Hi, I have 2 pairs CIC, Audibel and Rexton Targa, I have also HiPro-USB and cables and I looking for a fitting software for these.
Somebody help me for Connexx x.x. and RexFit x.x.
I also need Inspire and Patient Database for Audibel, pls.

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Can I get the latest version of Target 6.? I already have Target 6.1. Thanks in advance.

If you have target you can update it from the opening page of Target.
Across the bottom of that page look for update.

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Thank you! I now see some posts talking about Target Update. I had not yet installed 6.1. Thanks again.

Looking for the latest Resound SmartFit software.Thank you in advance.

Can I get the link for Compass GPS software?

Thanks!! Hearing Tracker is awesome!

Need link for 6+ Target software. For programing Phonak Naida Q70 SP.

The links I have are no longer active.

Thank you a lot!!!
Can I use Hi-pro with cable? or i better use icube? or otherwise?
Thank you
In Italy is so difficult DIY with HAs!

I have used both the iCube and the HiPro with cables, I used the HiPro most. Only the HiPro works for firmware updates and for different generation aids as well as other brand hearing aids. The iCube tends to tie your hands to certain Phonak aids but Wireless is nice too.

Hey guys,
would someone please send me a link to the Oticon Genie 2 Software?

Thanks in advance