DIY - Self Programming, How to Find Fitting Software

Hello, I am in need of the starkey software. Have ordered Noah link wireless and am trying to get set up to make my own settings.

Hi, I’m looking to revert back to Target 6.1 or earlier. I discovered the latest 6.2.6 that I am using no longer supports iCube, only iCube II. Thanks for any help locating this file.

Please check your pm.

Hello everyone. Would someone mind helping me get the newest/latest version of Phonak Target fitting software, please? I really need it.

I´ll be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much.

If you are a Registered Provider. You should be able to get it right from Phonak

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In that case, I think that I mistook something during my registration process. I do not work for any company, neither provide. Im a student.

So If you could help me get the software, I will be very thankful.

I´ve already got it! thanks!

I am looking for Resound SmartFit 1.4, who can help?


Evert, You have the link in the first post of this topic from Dusty. See Popular Links 49

Yes, I already downloaded the sodtware.

Maybe you are reading that incorrectly. It is not the “NOAHlink SYSTEM software”. It’s the “Noah System” software. The Noah System is for professionals who want to organize a gazillion clients who use many different brands of fitting software. You don’t need all that organization. Just run the fitting software standalone and the fitting software will use it’s own database to handle your small number (maybe one) of clients. Don’t ever use the Noah system.

Also NOAHlink, when spelled that way usually means an obsolete hearing aid programming device, See this thread; Evolution of the Hearing Aid Programming Device.

Hello people!
I need latest Connexx 9
A year ago I installed Connexx 8.3.2 and it upated 3 times within a month and never updated again. I just realized there’s a Connexx 9.2 and I would like to try the OVP feature in my Signia Pure 312 7Nx which never have worked.


Can someone PM me the link for the latest Resound Fitting Software. I have the Noahlink Wireless.

Sorry I posted the request in the wrong place.

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Hello! Could someone give me a link for Phonak Target 6 version or newer? I would be very grateful!

I have a Mac computer so I have to emulate it because only runs on Windows?

I`m so excited to start fitting myself, the audiologists here have the worst service, they only care about sell the product. I use HAs since i was 3!

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Might I trouble someone to share a link for the most recent version of Target? Thanks in advance.


Hi, sorry asking same question, does someone have a link to latest Target software version. Kind regards!

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Hi, I am looking for Signia CIC hearing aid Fitting Software, I have the Noahlink Wireless.

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Like others, I am interested in finding a link to the Target software, even an older version, so I can learn more about my HAs and what might work best for my situations. Is there a link that might work?
Thank you.


its support both of them

Hello there, I’m looking for Compass GPS software. Thanks in advance for your help!