Costco Kirkland Signature 9.0 (Product Information)

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Completely unaware of that feature. Thanks. Still only knocks it down to 100 posts.


I’m wondering what the algorithm is. How can the summarize feature know what is “relevant”? Keywords in the OP found in subsequent posts? Thumbs-up count? Post-replies? All of the above?
I don’t trust algorithms. :slight_smile:


Well, I can now post my experience. Fitted with KS9’s on Friday and have worn them pretty much every waking hour since then. My Costco did a REM and we played around with the settings some, but being new I didn’t know what to ask for. After going through the orientation, I opted for them to go ahead and set them to 90% rather than the normal 80% for new users.

It has been interesting hearing things that I hadn’t noticed I was missing previously. However, the greatest feature of all is the streaming of audio from my phone. It freaked out my wife when my son called and I answered and carried on a conversation without taking my phone out of my pocket. So, now if I’m ever asked “do you hear voices that no one else hears?” I will have to answer “why yes, I do. And, I talk back to them!”

Although this thread is long, it gave me something to do while waiting. Since the beginning of this process, it has taken over a month from the first appointment (which took two weeks to schedule) until I was wearing the aids.

Thanks to all who posted. I seem to be adapting pretty quickly, though there are times when it seems like the sound is overwhelming and I have to remove them for a few minutes.

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Decreasing the volume or muting them should be options to removing them.

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My Costco audi set my KSs to 100% right from the get go. Said that, based on his experience, this is better for most people. I know I always have the option to lower volume thru the app, which works fine, or thru volume button on the HAs. I am still happy with them, although there is a level of “tinniness” in all high frequency sounds (female voices especially) that takes some getting used to. It’s a only a very mild discomfort I can live with. Any comment on whether this “tinniness” is “normal” (or should be adjusted) would be much appreciated.

It’s normal. You don’t include an audiogram, but I’m guessing you have a high frequency loss and you are now hearing sounds you haven’t heard in a long time, hence the 'tinniness."

True, but when my dogs are doing their howling thing and it gets very loud very quickly, my reaction is to pull them out and put my hands over my ears!

Jackster, I also am experiencing some tinny like sounds as well as starting to notice my tinnitus much more than before. At 100% it was quite noticeable so I asked them to turn it down a little. I am expecting over time that my brain will adjust. If it doesn’t, I can always send these back and try something else. However, for now I’m going to keep plugging and see how it goes.

I do not see this button. Can you be more specific? Thanks.

Scroll all the way to the first post in the thread or click the top date in the vertical scroll bar on the right sidebar.

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DonO… it took a little while, but my tinnitus is greatly diminished since using KS9s. Hope you find the same.

That’s right! i’ll have to figure how to upload audiogram (I’ve seen instructions on this thread). Thanks for the reply!

Click “My Audiogram” in the top right of this page if you are logged in.

When our greyhound does that, we just feed her or let her out to go, as the case may be. Sometimes both. LOL!

But sitting in a waiting room with a loud talker or TV, I used to casually slip my hands up to my KS5s and click them partway open, all the while smiling and nodding.

That’s very difficult to do with the KS9s because they require so much more to get them open, so I asked for a clickable Mute program.

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Autosense has the automatic programs. You can have manual programs added. I have the previous Phonak model and I have, for example, a manual program for speech in noise. The Autosense speech in noise handles most situations and my manual speech in noise is maxed out on noise reduction for extreme conditions.

The audi told me today that the 2-year replacement warranty/insurance for loss included in the purchase of KS8 has been extended to 3 years for KS9 (in Canada anyway). KS9 comes with this enhanced warranty as well as a lower price.

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The Costco audiologist told me no programs. Are you saying the Costco KS9 (not the Phonak) can have multiple programs??

Yes, it can have programs. However, it’s common to start a “newbie” out with just the automatic program. It should be able to meet most of your needs. The idea is to note what situations it doesn’t deal with and consider adding a program that might meet that need.

Yes. I can’t remember if it is 3 or 4 manual programs. Maybe someone else here can tell us.

The KS9 aids have 9 auto programs and up to 3 manual programs, plus mute and streaming.
What I remember.

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