Costco Kirkland Signature 9.0 (Product Information)

Kirkland Signature 9.0 is a RIC instrument available from Costco with features similar to Phonak M90 products.

• Third-generation enhanced automatic operating system
• Premium-level classification of environmental sounds and streamed media
• Binaural signal processing and binaural beamforming
• Direct connectivity to any Bluetooth phone with audio streaming to both ears
• Hands-free phone calls with built-in microphones
• 20 fine-tuning channels, 9 automatic programs, 3 manual programs
• Receiver-in-canal (RIC) form factor with 312 battery
• 4 receiver power levels
• Price: $1499.99/pair
• Accessories: TV Connector


User Guides and FAQs:

Kirkland Signature 9.0.pdf (67.6 KB)

Easy Line Remote for Apple iOS:

Easy Line Remote for Android:

On Hearing Tracker:


That’s great news.
Thanks for sharing.

Much thanks for the post - a lot of good information rather than a beginner like me spreading rumors

This is amazing news. I predict this will be in huge demand. I just bought a pair retail at appreciably more money.

In the recent past it has seemed like HA manufacturers have allowed only a few months’ window of time that Costco is allowed to offer their version of a HA that has the same technology as the manufacturers’ current HAs. Perhaps we’ll see a new Phonak line to replace Marvel as early as October 2019. If so, that would be only a year after Marvel was released in October 2018. Phonak seems to be releasing new technologies on a shorter cycle than other manufacturers.

Where is best feature Roger select like accessories?

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Thanks for the heads up!
I’m excited!

I’m wondering whether the TV Connector is included with the KS9s or for sale at an extra charge.
If the latter, thinking the KS9s might simply pair with my existing Avantree Bluetooth aptX Low Latency Transmitter, already plugged into the TOSLINK port on our TV?
Or if the Bluetooth setup on the KS9s is strictly low energy compatible?

How do these compare to the signature 8’s. I have an opportunity to switch over from my Rexton Sig 8’s. Is that worth while?

Check out the record-long thread on the Phonak Marvel’s. They can connect with just about anything bluetooth. That’s what these are.

Do you have any issues with your current hearing aids? What do you want made better? Those are the questions that need answering to determine if this is worthwhile. On the one hand, you’d get $100 back. I’d say the biggest issue for most people would be the direct Android streaming. If you have an Android phone and use it a lot, the Phonak definitely offers advantages. If you don’t use a smartphone much or use an iPhone, I’d say the advantages are marginal

Marvel is still better than KS9. Here’s why:

  • KS9 has no rechargeable option

  • KS9 has no telecoil option

  • KS9 has no tinnitus therapy option

  • KS9 not getting RogerDirect support

  • KS9 won’t get Marvel 2.0* upgrade in August

*can’t spill the beans on Marvel 2.0, yet

Having said that, the KS9 is an amazing deal for the tech you get …


Can’t ask Abram to spill the beans (yet) and my post would be better to fan the fire in the Costco/Phonak Rumor thread - the place for wild speculation(!).

But maybe Abram spilled a bean or two in mentioning “August” - hmm, what happens in August?! Google is supposedly to officially release Android Q. What would be more MARVELous or just plain amazing than if Phonak had not only the capability of classic Bluetooth 2.1++ streaming built into the Marvels but also the option of MFA direct streaming (I guess throwing MFI in on top of that would be a little too ridiculous given the Phonak/Apple history, etc.).

The best part is August is only a couple weeks a way…

Marvel 2.0 upgrade likely explains why Phonak was willing to offer a defeatured Marvel to Costco.

Would this hinder the DIY’er from upgrading the KS9?

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If you’re asking if DIY’er would be able to update a KS9 to the Marvel 2.0 upgrade, I’d say no. If you’re asking if the DIY’er could still do firmware updates, I’d say yes.

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Is this just in the US? Any Canadian dates?

If not out in Canada, would it be better to wait for the KS9 or go with KS8 now? I’m an iPhone user with KS04’s right now.

Both KS8 and KS9 are iPhone compatible. KS8s are a Rexton product. KS9s are a Phonak product. KS9 just came out in the US. Usually there is a little while before they are out in Canada. I’m not sure how long that will be. I saw a post that said the KS8s are no longer available at Costco in the US.

So if you prefer conventional battery, you do not need T-Coil, you do not suffer tinnitus and you do not use the Roger system, you are buying a Marvel when you buy a KS9.


That is by no means an exhaustive list of differences. I haven’t really been able to dig into the list of software features to try to break down any further discrepancies. So, no, I’m not saying this @tenoch.