Every time someone has a programming problem with a Costco hearing aid, this locked hearing aid issue keeps coming up, over, and over, and over.
GN ReSound is the only manufacturer that used a Costco-business-model of locking Costco/Kirkland brand Hearing Aids/HAs to a Costco version of their Aventa fitting software, and that was only for the Kirkland Signature5 and Kirkland Signature6 (KS5 and KS6). The not-locked Costco Phonak Brios always had the ability to be programmed with the normal version of Target fitting software
However, beginning with the Kirkland Signature 7/KS7 Costco has switched away from GN ReSound to using Rexton as the KS manufacturer. Therefore the KS7s can now be programmed with the normal version of Connexx fitting software.
From this point forward Costco has never again used a locked version of the fitting software. I guess they learned their lesson. The used KS5 and KS6 became worthless bricks unless you were a Costco member and demanded that Costco program them for you.
Thanks for the clarity on this. I knew the Phonaks weren’t locked, and plan to give them to the audiologist I went to before using Costco. She uses my old aids for patients she know who need but can’t afford hearing aids. This will be the fourth pair I’ve given her over the years.
Corona, Welcome back! PVC has decided to retire from the DIY part of the forum. Dusty has been keeping things going. Guess we won’t know for sure if KS9s are unlocked until somebody tries it, but since Brio, Brio 2 and Brio 3 were unlocked, it seems likely that KS9 will be unlocked to (as well as presumably upcoming Brio 4. Hope all goes well. Still using your KS7s? I’ve still got mine.
Is this still true up to this day Jun 2022? Hope this info can be updated for those who want to buy latest Phonak Brio 5 from Costco and into DIY programming