Cochlear Nucleus 8

Yes I am signed up i called left message with my doctor’s assistant she is good with getting right back to me

Called for a update being my doctors office was in touch with cochlear yesterday to submit the dx code when I called they said they were able to submit to my insurance and they approved it right away and it’s been shipped I was shocked and insurance is paying for it all am so excited plus got my new iPhone 14 pro and love it


Bluetooth on Android have been superb . No problem so far with N8!

Congrats! My insurance isn’t that great, they only cover $6k per processor plus 20% copay.
Which effectively lower the cost to $4800 paid by my insurance co out of the $12,750 charging for my sound processor via insurance co…


I am very lucky I was a noon time aide working for the school system then went full time when my daughter went to college as a full time aide till I retired in 2016 so it’s state benefits they cover very well and I got a tracking for Tuesday Dec 13th so so excited I will call my audiologist tomorrow for a mapping appointment

Oticon Dynamo and Nucleus 8 sound processor

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They pretty much look the same

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Is that with the compact battery size?

nucleus 7 compact battery but it should be the same size as the n8 battery

Does anyone know if anything from the N6 apart from wireless accessories are able to be used for the N8?

I’m finding speech in noise to be ok with the N7 for the most part, but any improvement on that is always welcome.
I’m curious if you’ve got a take on how it goes in an echoey environment? As that’s the main listening situation where I find the N7 really falls apart.

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My friend was told batteries/coils etc from the N5 could be used on N6.

N7 need different batteries/coils etc and can be used on N8.

I am not able to provide you with that info because i am not in a place where there are echoey room…


Guess what! it’s here tried to upload a picture but it’s not letting me but it’s so small compared to the N5 and going for a new mapping tomorrow at 12 can’t wait have to charge the battery got 2 and 2 slimline coil that’s smaller too then my N5 so happy finally


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Also got 2 compact battery and 2 disposable trays was surprised as I thought you get one or the other cause she asked me which I wanted when I ordered it really happy about that


I hope to implant one day . you guys are the lucky ones

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Zebras do you know if it’s only batteries and coils? Or Microphone covers as well- I have several here that I’ll keep otherwise I’ll take them into the Cochlear center.

@hambone1205 what colour did your order please?

Can’t say for sure as I wasn’t told when at the Deaf Centre.

Just realised my post was maybe confusing. Your batteries / coils for N7 will be okay for N8.

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