Base loss with cshell earmolds

Is there anyway to prevent the base disappearing in music? It sounds so treble and not a rounded full musical experience. I have a rather large opening on the mold due to having normal (R) and moderate (L) in low frequencies.

Music has been disappointing to stream. Any advise, I have been aided almost two years.

I have Phonak P70 (battery)

In general seeing I don’t know about Phonak but due to your hearing loss your aids are adjusted to only provide the frequency amplification that you need for hearing in the environment for live sounds. I use over the ear headphones over my aids for that reason for streaming.

I wondered about over the ear headphones. Do you mean you wear them over your ears and aids?
What type do you use, if you don’t mind my asking.

Excuse me! I just reread your reply again… yes, you use the headphones over your aids. God to know that it can work that way.
Thank you for your reply,

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Sharing your hearing loss would help others help you.
That and what aids you have and what domes/ear molds you have also.

Typically the bass can be really nice when the aids are set up correctly. Take notes about your hearing experience and share that with your fitter.

I have Bose QC25, they work for me but I wish I had headphones with bigger ear cups. Yes I wear them over my aids which do also cover my ears. I have an aftermarket Bluetooth adapter that makes the QC25 wireless, also useful for me but again I wish I had a different set of headphones.

How does one add the audiogram onto this forum? I’m brand new to the forum and don’t know how to do that.
my aids are: Phonak P70 (replaceable battery)

At the top of the page, the very top menu.
Tap forum
Tap hearing test.
There will find your how to add your audiogram.

It was overly complicated to add the audiogram.
Thank you for the description how to do that.

I am currently wearing Marvel 70s with molds while my Lumitys are in for repair.

I am currently experimenting with a feature called Bass Boost that is built into Phonak Target, the fitting software for Phonak hearing aids. I stream music via bluetooth, and female voices, live and television sound tinny.

From Phonak: *BassBoost is a powerful low frequency gain and output *
*enhancer that allows for low to mid-frequency increase of *
*+3 to +6 dB below 1000 Hz. Additional power in the low *
*frequencies results in an immediate improvement in *
*subjective loudness as well as sound quality of power *

A PDF document that explains Bass Boost is here

Your pro can adjust. The Phonaks have all the bass you could want.

When I am streaming music, I am missing depth of what I call 3D sound. If I cover the vent holes in my cshell ear molds, there it is—rich base as well as treble. I can’t sit there covering the vent holes with my finger every time I want to enjoy music.

It is definitely related to the size of the vent somehow I have very good low frequency capability in the right (normal) before the drop off starts, and 30db in left (these are unaided) uh

I recently read that Phonak has a receiver that can open or close based on speech or music. Unfortunately is is only availBleavailable to chargeable aids and mine are battery. This is why I wondered if the earphones would work? Could they be like my fingers covering the vent hooesholesholes?
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Your pro can adjust. The Phonaks have all the bass you could want.

I just looked up the receivers I mentioned that apparently open and close based on speech or music… they are called ActiveVent. Unfortunately, they only are available in the rechargeable models and mine are replaceable battery (Phonak P70).

Anyone tried ActiveVent? Does it work satisfactorily? Would ear phone do as good a nob?

Thhose are my questions.
PS: I discovered this receiver on a Dr Cliff Utube video.

Please forgive the weird errors. These responses are on my iPhone and this Forum is not set up well for that.

The streaming program can be adjusted by your pro. It sounds better when you cover the vent because less sound leaks out. An adjustment to bass in the streaming program can fix that.

Thank you. I’ll ask my audiologist when I go in next week.