Any way to tell if a second hand Roger On In has licenses?

Hi there,

Is there any way to tell if a second hand Roger On In has the two licenses still available (not already transferred in other HAs)?

The challenging part of the question is: is there a way to find it out by just turning on the Roger (with no HA around)?

Thanks for your help!

Follow this Licenses Installation Guide

After turning on the Roger microphone, briefly press the install button on the Roger iN microphone (see the pdf-file above)

  • Roger On iN will now display the number of available Roger receivers in the screen

Tipp: If no licenses are stored in the microphone
With the Roger Upgrader Software you can get more licenses into Roger On In


Oh my, this is great news! Thank you very much!

Is it confirmed the method still works?

Does it work with any Roger? Even the Pen In?

So do yo think I should buy this cheap second hand Roger On In?


As @firenzel says. The install button is the small hole under the clip. Use a paperclip for one second after the Roger On is turned on and the number of licenses will show in the display. A couple of more seconds and the Roger On will enter the license transfer mode. As @kevels55 noted, the licenses can be replenished (apparently up to 5 times).

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Have a read of the other thread that was linked for you. It says a Pen iN doesn’t work to get more licenses.


Ah ok, sorry mate, I read it but I couldn’t find that specific information for the Pen (just about the Select).

Select, On and Table Mic II seem to be able to get more licenses.

I’ve done On and Table Mic and Kev has done Select.


This is absolutely amazing, thanks everyone!

Guys, thanks again for your help!

I bought the Roger On In, which apparently already comes with 1 license… And the other one, I’ll add it up! :heart:


Don’t add another license coz if you read what @kevels55 said, it’ll load 2 licenses and over ride the other licence and so you’ll have 1 license less. Altho you may not need it.

Use the 1 license first and then load more next.


Noted, thanks so much!

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Hi everyone,

When purchasing a second-hand Roger On In, determining if the two licenses are still available without having a hearing aid around can be tricky. One possible way to check is by contacting the seller and asking for the serial number of the Roger On In. With this information, you can reach out to the manufacturer or a local hearing aid specialist to verify the status of the licenses. They may be able to check the serial number against their database to see if the licenses are still available or have been transferred to other hearing aids.

If anyone has more insights or tips on how to verify the licenses of a second-hand Roger On In, I’d love to hear them!

Best regards

I tried it and it works like charm… and I still have 4 pairs of receivers left to retrieve! :heart:

Thanks again everybody!

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I know this is old post.I bought used Roger on iN v2 with two licenses from ebay.Finding licenses was tricky part.Once in install mode screen flashes or displays hearing aid icon and second push with pin displays number of licenses.

For “iN” devices viz Roger Pen,Select or Roger on easier way to find licenses is just plugin to PC with USB data cable,fire up Roger Upgrader software and click Read device data.

I read that it doesn’t work with Roger Pen actually.

There are two versions of Roger Pen, one is regular and other is Roger Pen iN,I have Roger Pen iN,Select iN,Table Mic II,Roger on and Roger on iN. I tested with Roger Pen iN,Roger Select iN and Roger on iN

P.S:-I mentioned for “iN” devices Roger Upgrader works

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Good to know, I had read here that the Pen was the only in device where this trick didn’t work…