Yippeeeeee...Hearing Aid Replacement Just Died

Happy new year, everybody!

And yes, I am being extremely sarcastic in the subject line.

So my hearing aid replacement just died.

In September, I ended up getting a warranty repair (which ended up being an entire replacement) of my Phonak NAIDA B-90 and CROS-B. And my warranty repair just died.

But, my ear mold’s tubing has dried up just enough so it’s too hard to take off my hearing aid so I can attach my ear mold to my old hearing aid.

Oh joy.

Hopefully, my audiologist is available this week so I can get in ASAP.


goodluck for you

Easy fix, just use a hairdryer to soften it up and then pull it off, should come off without to much effort.

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I change my tubing more regularly to stop this situation.


So do I. But it has been the holidays, so I was going to go after. And I was actually thinking of making an appointment with my audiologist to do just that with my current hearing aid.


It takes no more than 3 minutes to change tubing at home.

The audiologist doesn’t have to do it.


Thanks for the encouragement. But I cannot and have never done the tubing modification myself and I am not comfortable doing it.

@codergeek2015: Well, you can either learn how to do it and get comfortable with it through a bit of practice (unless, of course, you have dexterity issues), or don’t wait so long to have your Audiologist do it, next time.

Ya takes yer choice …


It’s always fabulous when your audiologist can get you in early (and super fast) and do a repair that brings your hearing aids back to working order and helps you avoid $4,000 for new hearing aids.

They still have a lot of life left. Great news for the New Year!

I love my audiologist!!

It turns out that there was so much moisture in my ear mold that caused significant sound blockage.

Also, that your Naida hearing aid models are not likely to be rechargeable ever, because not very many people buy super power/ultra power hearing aids.



Using one of these at night would help……

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Thanks, Zebras! I’ve typically not had those kinds of issues the entire time I’ve worn hearing aids (since I was 3 years old - 43 now), so this one really snuck up on me.

Even though I don’t get much moisture in my hearing aids but i often use one of what @Zebras has posted above to avoid the chance of there developing to much moisture in my hearing aids

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