Windows 8 Hi-Pro USB drivers

What Flood?? There is no flood that I can see??

Are you saying that since the introduction of the USB Hi-Pro, there was a flood of Serial Hi-Pros (which use the old serial cable and a separate power cord)? Yes there were quite a few Serial Hi-Pros after the USB Hi-Pro introduction. But I wouldn’t call it a flood.

OR, are you saying that after the introduction of the Hi-Pro 2 (which is 5x faster than the USB Hi-Pro, but way more expensive) there is currently a flood of USB Hi-Pro for sale. That is unequivocally false!

The Hi-Pro 2 costs much more, and fast or slow speed is not much of an issue when you are programming only one or two sets of hearing aids. So for the typical self programmer/DIYer the much more expensive Hi-Pro 2 makes no sense at all. Self programmers/DIYers are much better off sticking with the USB Hi-Pro. Don’t waste money for an expensive Hi-Pro 2. You don’t need it.

There are undoubtedly many HiPro USB devices for sale on the internet. “Flood” maybe a little over the top, but if you search for a few minutes you will be able to purchase one at a reasonable price.

Totally agree.

For who is looking for a Hi Pro USB, I got mine from AliExpress, link: gratis verzending goedkope hipro usb programmering voor digitale hoortoestel in gratis verzending goedkope hipro usb programmering voor digitale hoortoestel van Oor Zorg op | Alibaba Groep.
Delivery was in time and it works perfect together with my Phonak Audeo S and the target software.

Lights flashing in quick succession just means the Hi-Pro is communicating with the HAs

Looks like this link needs a login now :frowning:

Yep, like you said, that link is behind member login now. Do you need it?

Try requesting the HI-Pro Install CD on the fitting software thread, this thread;
Hearing Aid Fitting DIY School and Fitting Software.