Windows 8 Hi-Pro USB drivers

I just got a new computer. My Hi-Pro ran fine on my old Windows 7 machine but the Hi-Pro doesn’t appear in the device list on the Windows 8 machine. Windows says the Hi-Pro is working and already has the latest drivers installed. But it doesn’t work. From what I can figure I need to find a new set of drivers for the Hi-Pro for Windows 8. I have run the search for drivers through Windows and also looked on the web myself to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

This may help.

You don’t need a very expensive Hi-Pro2 for Win8. That rumor is false.

It’s not a driver problem. Read about Hi-Pro recognition here:> Self-Programming-Help

Did you try running the Install CD? Sometimes your Com ports get switched around in C:\Windows\HiPro.ini and you might fix it by running the >> HI-Pro2 Install CD <<.

I’m finally able to log onto the site again! pvc, in your last post on this thread you suggested running the install program from the Hi-Pro 2 CD. Did you mean the Hi-Pro USB CD? Since I have the Hi-Pro USB I have only the CD for that product. Forgive my computer ignorance, but if I’m connecting to the Hi-Pro via USB why do com ports even come into play? I have run the install program from the Hi-Pro USB CD a couple of times with no success. Would you mind walking me through how to switch the com ports in case that is, indeed, the issue? I’m going to send you this message via PM too. Thanks for your help.

No, I meant exactly this, Sometimes your Com ports get switched around in C:\Windows\HiPro.ini and you might fix it by running
>> HI-Pro2 Install CD <<. It doesn’t matter whether you have a Hi-Pro or a Hi-Pro2.

I think you should click it, download it, unzip it, and run it. Com ports have always been used before and after >> USB <<.

I don’t know for sure if this will fix your problem. But I think you should try it.

Has to be on com 1-4, doesn’t like being on higher ones.

Well, I’m stumped. I downloaded and ran the Hi-Pro 2 configuration CD twice. the Hi-Pro shows up in the computer’s device list, but the “PC Com” light on the Hi-Pro does not light up. My PC has three USB ports. I plugged the Hi-Pro into each of the three ports, For each port I tried assigning the Hi-Pro to Com 1 through COM 4 consecutively. The PC Com light on the Hi-Pro never lit up on any of those twelve combinations. I don’t know if I was supposed to have rebooted the computer after each change to make sure the change took effect (I didn’t).
Also, with one path to the place where I could reassign COM ports Win8 said I needed write privileges in the registry for this device in order to modify the device’s advanced settings. With the other path there was no such requirement. I guess the next step is to take the PC to a shop and see if they can get it to work.
Anybody have any further suggestions? Thank you everyone for your concern and help.

I think plugging a device into several USB ports makes the problem worse by trying to assign a different com port each time you plug it in.

If it were my computer I would use device manager to uninstall the USB controllers. The USB controllers will get rebuilt when you restart your computer. An online search should provide instructions for how to do this.

This can be very scary if you accidentally kill your mouse and or keyboard. Unplug all your USB devices and restart your computer with nothing running before you start disabling. Then if your lose your mouse and or keyboard you can restart/restart-normally by holding the power button to shutdown by shutting the power.

For example:
Start/Control Panel/System/Device Manager
Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers line
Right button click and select Uninstall for each USB Controller
Restart your computer

Sorry, picture got lost.

Thank you pvc for all your suggestions. I tried uninstalling the USB controllers as you suggested (There was only one “Host Controller” listed, so I uninstalled that one and left the USB root hub alone). After I restarted the computer the USB host controller reappeared in the device manager list. I then plugged the Hi-Pro into all three USB ports one after the other and got the same result that I had gotten before: The PC Com light on the Hi-Pro didn’t light up.

I re-ran the Hi-Pro 2 install CD in “Repair” mode. It said Hi-Pro found, firmware up to date, Hi-Pro ready for use. But without the PC Com light being illuminated I can’t get the Target software to connect to my hearing aids. When I tried to connect my hearing aids with Target, Target said, “Fitting device driver not installed” “Fitting device: NOAHLink”” Install the driver for your fitting device.” I never elected to use NOAHlink (at least not intentionally). There is no option in that dialog box to opt for a different fitting device other than NOAHlink. Maybe if Target doesn’t detect a Hi-Pro it defaults to NOAHlink, I don’t know.

I think my next step will have to be to try a computer repair shop at some time when I can be without my computer for a few days. Thank you again for your suggestions.

Oh, you are almost there!! I don’t have my Target software up and running on my computer so I can’t give you exact instructions. But you need to go into a part of the Target software that allows you to set the fitting device and set it to something else.

Looks like one way to change the fitting device it is at the instruments panel… Confirm that the correct fitting device is shown. To change the fitting device, use the pull down arrow next to the fitting device in the dashboard.

That worked!! I now appear to have my hearing aids connected although the PC Com light on the Hi-Pro is still not illuminated. Before I saw your last post I went into Target’s setup section and chose Hi-Pro and configured the Hi-Pro, apparently successfully. But I still kept getting that NOAHlink message when I tried to connect. But after I followed your last instruction I was finally able to connect. The Hi-Pro is now doing some weird thing where all the lights flash in quick succession. I don’t know what that means, but I’m going to try to do some programming now so I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you so much!

Success confirmed! I connected my hearing aids several times and made some changes, so this long nightmare appears to be over. Thank you again, pvc!

For future reference:

After you start the Target fitting software…
Click Setup button (bottom right) and Select the Fitting device Tab

Cycle through each of the Left Panel tabs…
-Disable NOAHlink
-Enable and Configure Hi-Pro
-Disable iCube and iCube II
-Leave the Lyric programming wand unchecked

Do you have it running with your new computer yet? I have the HI pro serial, but have been unable to get it to work with my PC.

Emailing each individual with a problem and having a one-on-one chat is tedious.
Maybe your mommy can help via email :slight_smile:
Let’s do a puzzle instead!!!
Back to the future (in the future),

And, using an obsolete serial device (instead of newer USB device) is a whole separate topic. There are many posts on that topic.

Certainly since the introduction of the HiPro USB2 has flooded the internet with HiPro USB devices.