Widex Moment RIC RD 440 - iPhone vs Android comparison

I have the Widex Moment RIC RD 440 hearing aids for both ears. As such, they work quite well, however, it is terrible with the software support on my Android phone. Tested on a Google Pixel 7a as well as some Samsung; according to the reviews on the Widex Moment app, it does so to others as well, as well as to my brother with the lower-end Widex line of hearing aids.
The problem is that the hearing aids often disconnect, need to be re-paired and the app sometimes doesn’t want to complete the pairing. I have often deleted the app’s data, cache, reinstalled it, turned Bluetooth off and on, and repeatedly turned hearing aids off and on for pairing. However, there are still some problems. Another problem is with streaming audio to the headphones. In an isolated home environment, this is no problem. Outside, however, the audio to my headphones cuts out (often alternating left to right) when there is more noise, cars passing, etc. Setting it in the app to ignore ambient sounds doesn’t help.
I consulted my doctor and he said to try the iPhone. That Android (I have it in version 15) doesn’t have sw support that good. However, I thought that’s what the ASHA protocol is for, but he still said the iPhone is just better. So I’m wondering: is that really the case? Does the iPhone communicate with the hearing aids via some other protocol? Or is it just the Widex that’s broken?

I have Widex Moment 440 312s and have no problems with my iPhone 13 Pro, bluetooth connection is always solid and no problems with the app. Not sure if I’m just lucky, or if Android has more trouble with Widex.

There is a thread about problems between Widex and Android 15.


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You can use a Com-Dex to stream without issue. The streaming direct can be glitchy, particularly around buildings etc (that’s what I found anyway). Using the Com-Dex means I can easily accept a call without getting my phone out-you just press the button on the front of it to start & end calls. When I run it means I can easily stop music by pressing the button & not needing to take my phone out. Also you can mute/unmute with the button on the side-handy if someone goes to talk to you. I don’t get any interference issues as it uses a different streaming method. You can also use the Sound Assist I think which also works with the tv and as a table mic.

I have the Widex Moment 330 RIC HAs which I assume are the same hardware as the 440s, but different firmware.
I have used them for the past 3 years with my iPhone SE (2020). Normal HA connection between my iPhone and the HAs has been rock-solid with no problems or dropouts over the 3 years.
However in streaming from the iPhone the connectivity has problems, despite my putting the phone in my shirt top pocket. One or other of the HAs will have short dropouts or distortion, so I don’t bother doing streaming.
When I first got the HAs 3 years ago the Widex Moment app was only available on iPhones so I bought an iPhone. About 2 years ago the app was first available on Android. I think the Widex IT app developers have far more experience with running the app on iPhones and less with running the app on Android, so more problems reported with Android phones (I used to work in IT testing smartphone apps so this is my assessment based on personal experience)