I just bought a Google Pixel phone and when installing the widex moment program there is a problem. It detects the headphones and links them but the program does not work, you cannot remove the outside sound or use anything. The only thing it does is detect the headphones and pair them and then it is left thinking and an arrow spinning and nothing more. Do you have any solution to this problem? With phones with Android 14 without problems, but this one with Android 15 doesn’t work.
Have you read the manual and followed the instructions? The process for connecting my Jabras to my phone was not intuitive; it took several steps.
The problem is not that the phone does not detect the hearing aids, the problem is that once they are paired the program does not work. I can’t use the app. On Google Play there are several users who say they have the same problem with Android 15.
It could be the app.
I have the Starkey Edge AI.
I have a Pixel 6a on Android 15.
My Starkey works fine.
Make sure that your Android OS is current, and then delete/uninstall the Moment app and reinstall. These are the first steps I would take if you haven’t already. Widex does have a connectivity helpline for cases like this, 844-497-8844. They would be a good resource for exploring any deeper Android settings that may be interfering with app function.
I did a clean installation, just the system and the widex moment program. Stay the same. There are several similar users in the Google application store. and widex doesn’t even answer. And on its website it says that the Google Pixel is compatible. Lie. Today I contacted widex in Spain and they told me to buy an iPhone, that is the solution. I told them that on their website they put the pixel as a working phone number and they told me that they don’t know anything about that, that if they put it it would be wrong. This is why I don’t want to buy more Widex.
I live in Spain. I do not have access to that contact number. If anyone could ask the issue at that number I would appreciate it.
Well i am going to say this I personally believe you are blaming the wrong company. Google made changes without spreading the word to the hearing aid companies.
@setic Thanks for posting this. Widex Smart RIc is one of my next HA alternatives and in 2025 my Samsung will get Android 15.
If the Widex Moment app really doesn’t work with Android15, then the alarm bells will be going off very loudly at Widex. There will be a solution for it in due course. I understand that’s not of any help for you now. Does your Widex Moment still has a button, so you can use the most essential functions? Or is it like the Smart RIC without any button, so you can’t do without a remote control? Maybe the Widex RC-DEX remote control ( about €100) is the best temporary solution.
I have the exact same experience on a Pixel 8a running Android 15. It was working completely fine for a while, but now it stopped and the moment app cannot get past the setup.
I have confirmed the devices work fine with an iPhone.
Widex support for iPhones does seem better. The IOS can natively control the volume of the device. But you must be an iPhone user.
I haven’t tried it with an older Android OS yet. Very frustrating.
Testing on a Pixel 8 running Android 15 has the same issue.
I have tested the same hearing aids with a Pixel 4a running Android 13 and it works fine with the Widex moment app.
This does seem to suggest there is something incompatible with the newer OS’s, but it’s strange that the problem is showing up now after it was working with Android 15. I wonder if there was something amiss with the latest patch…google mentioned an update to bluetooth but it did not apply to the 8 series of phones.
@setic Ok I spoke to widex support and we have a solution that works:
The support agent immediately knew the issue and had a solution:
1 Forget the hearing aids in bluetooth settings
2 Ensure the moment app is fully closed and reset (uninstall or clear the storage)
3 Pair the devices directly through android settings Connected Devices and then open the moment app.
I get your frustration! The first an only time I’ve ever had an problem was when I had some oddball issues on P7 when A15 came out. Those were audio routing issues in the OS and all apps were effected. With an OS update and likely app updates too, that has all been resolved.
I just use the BT connect to the Moments. I don’t dabble with the expanded features for HAs as assistive devices, Accessibility / Audio / Hearing Devices or any options or settings in there, so I can’t comment on if they’re working or not.
At this stage, I’d verify the OS is on the latest patch/version, HA firmware version, and the app version. AOS15 Dec 5th update, Moments FW 6.1.113, Moments app 1.8.0(313)
From your OP it seems to be the app that is the issue. The app just allows you to select the mode in the HAs and tweak the levels. It will only offer options/selection for modes that are already setup in the HAs. Outside of that, all other streaming functionality is handled by the OS.
And this is how the widex moment application should work? The problem is not that the hearing aids are not linked, the problem is that once linked the application does not work.
I just tried it and it seems to work. I’ll try it better tomorrow. THANK YOU SO MUCH
Hi, the same thing is happening to me with a OnePlus 12 and Android 15.
I have sent two emails to Widex and they don’t reply. Notes on X and Instagram to see if they say anything.
These headphones are really of excellent quality but the app is not up to par with them.
Very disappointed with Widex
I finally found a fix. Instead of trying to pair my hearing aids over and over and over I clicked “not now” and it allowed me to get my app back up and runnjng on my new samsung25. I hope it works for you too.
I also have been struggling with volume control issues. All i wanted to do after my new Samsung 25 phone was be able to control HA volume And Not hear a single notification via HA. After many hours, i figured out that it’s simple. All i had to do was disconnect my HA’s Not unpair. All my irritating and startling sounds disappeared and i still have total control of the volume.