I just bought an Widex Evoke Fusion 2 online and It is coming programing with my actual audiogram but I would like to be able to program the device in the future when I need it.
I downloaded the Compass GPS 2.4 program but I think this software is not working with EVOKE. Where can I get the Software updated?
Where can I get the hardware to do it?
A man walks down the street He says why am I short of attention Got a short little span of attention And why are my nights are so long Where’s my wife and family What if I die here Who’ll be my role-model Now that my role-model is Gone Gone He ducked back down the alley With some roly-poly little bat-faced girl All along along There were incidents and accidents There were hints and allegations
You need a wireless programming device that is accepted/approved by Widex Compass GPS and Widex is by no means, following industry standards for programming devices. Oh, re-read the Widex: paragraph. I modified it recently.
I hesitate to do this because things keep changing all the time. But maybe I should repeat the Widex: paragraph here for clarity;
Widex: COMPASS V5 fitting software is for hearing aid families prior to Widex DREAM platform. COMPASS GPS fitting software is for programming the DREAM family of hearing aids (or later), which can only be programmed wirelessly using Widex PRO LINK, Widex USB Link, or nEARCom.
Did you manage to solve the update and programming?
I would like to program myself as well, but i am having a little trouble finding the compass GPS download link.
Could you let me know where have you found the download link?
Does anyone know what is the difference between Widex Prolink and Remote Link devices? Since they are both connect to the HAs wireless for programming the former locally and the latter remotely , can somebody use the Remote Link instead of the Pro Link for local programming?
You need the Widex Pro Link. I got mine off of EBay. Prices vary a lot. Verify that it’s in the original box or at least has all the parts,
Then you’ll need to install the newest version of Compass GPS to support the newer HAs. The copy you have should let you check for and install the latest version.
After that, when you do try to link the hardware, you will need to update the Pro Link firmware. It prompts you and the update is very straight forward.
I recently found the widex pro link on ebay and I’m no looking for a copy of the Compass software.
Do you know where I can locate it? Or could someone send me a version?
It pops up occasionally on eBay. I’m not sure you can just copy it, though. It’s on an actual Widex disc and the ones you’ll find online are down level and need to be updated to the newer versions to be compatible with the newer HAs, so it likely has a unique identifier to prevent multiple instances. I don’t know what the actual licensing terms are, but it seems to be controlled or there would be copies available all over.
I snagged it when I saw it pop up since it was harder to find and then waited for a Pro Link to pop up to get it.
I must have made 40 minor adjustments with it and tried different programs, so it paid for itself quickly both in money but more so in time spent on appointments. I saved screen shots of the original settings and kept notes on the minimal adjustments I made so I could reverse any tweaks that made it worse.