What? Noahlink Wireless for $46, no $44, $50, $45

I still see the device migration error in Win11, but I’m not sure if that matters.

I had to use the latest Noahlink Wireless Firmware Updater (NLWUpgrader2.24.exe), not the Apr19 version (NLWUpgrader_Apr19.exe). Then use the firmware downgrade method which detected v2.15 and upgraded it to v2.23. From there, I upgraded again to v2.24.

The device was already converted from an Airlink 2 which is why the Airlink 2 Updater did not work.

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Cool; Are you okay/(up and running) now?

Think so as it seems to connect. Thanks for the tips.


Try to use myus.com parcel service - about USd12 to Malaysia.

Careful when buying from this company. Either the parcel is lost and no refund or they did not send the goods after receiving the payment. Careful

Halo @everyone. does anyone know where to buy a cheap bernafon alpha charger ? or is there an alternative that can be used to charge this battery bernafon ?

I recently purchased my Airlink Il from Rakicomputer off Ebay for $46.00 plus tax. It was listed as used untested, but maybe I was lucky, because it appeared to be new. It even had the peel off plastic films protecting it. It didn’t come in the original box or include the usb printer type cable, but I had plenty of them.

The RS firmware was up to date, and the Phonak Target recognized it immediately and prompted me to do an update which converted the Airlink Il to a Noahlink II wireless. Everything is working as it should.

I would get one while they are still available.

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Question? I recently purchased my Airlink Il from Rakicomputer off Ebay. I received it today and tried to do the update. When I plug it into the PC the 2 lights on the Airlink blink green and go out. Should the green lights stay on? I believe so as the updater cannot find any connected Airlink. Did I receive a brick. Any ideas? Thanks

Hi there, what update are you trying to do?
Have you tried connecting your HAs to the software, as it’s most likely it’s already had the firmware update to NW.
The leds don’t need to stay on, they flash when plugged in to your USB port.

It looks like it is now working. I reread mikehoopes post from mar 25 and that did the trick . Thanks.

Which trick was that, just so others know what to do in future.


I had to download and run the Himsa Noahlink Wireless driver installer before the upgrade tool would recognize the Airlink 2:

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Thank you for sharing. Ordered mine today :slight_smile:

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It may already be converted to a Noahlink Wireless. Mine was. Use the latest firmware update and downgrade first. Then update.

No, It wasn’t already converted to a Noahlink Wireless. It is now. Thanks anyway.

Hi!I talked to a distributor and they don’t have noahlink wireless 2 in stock.And I’m asking if it’s ok to buy noahlink wireless even if it has version 4.2.Can I adjust it to resound one without any problems?And is it good for the next years?Or is it better to buy noahlink wireless 2?What do you think?Thanks and goodbye!

Just get the Noahlink wireless, I’ve yet to see any issues with the latest HA models not being able to be programmed with the MK 1, as yours are the older One’s you won’t have any issues.

Hi!Ok.I’ll get the noahlink wireless.Come back with feedback.Thanks a lot!!!

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Interesting would be to know what are the differences between connection on BT LE 4.2 on the wireless and the new wireless BT LE 5.3 of the Noahlink as this seems to be the only difference apart from the USB 2 to the USB 3 connection. The latter meaning that the connection transport speed to the PC is multiplied in the latest version, which of course is a big deal.
But what is the benefit of the higher BT as it is backwards compatible. Any thoughts…

Sorry, I’m resuming this thread because I want to make sure that the first edition of Noahlink Wireleaa is just as good as Noahlink Wireless 2 in terms of compatibility with hearing aids.

I currently have Phonak Lumity but I’d like to buy a Noahlink Wireless which can be compatible in the future also with the the Sphere and upcoming HAs…

I’m asking because the first version of Noahlink Wireless is significantly cheaper than the second one on eBay.
