What is your experience with Widex Puresound?

Hello. I’m new to the forum and appreciate the help. I am 50 years old with mild, high frequeny, asymmetrical hearing loss and moderate to severe tinnitus. I just received my first pair of HAs: Widex MomentSheer. I chose these because I am audiophile, DJ, and music lover. I believe that the Puresound technology would meet my needs.

So far, the Puresound program has a very noticeable noise floor. I experience a constant static hiss that is not affected by gain or eq setting from the Moment app.

I have emailed my audio who thinks I might have a “bad speaker”.

What is your experience with Puresound? It is noisy for you? Do you enjoy it for natural sounding music? any tips for getting the most out of this program?

I am on Widex Moment 330s HAs (bought in 2020).
Yes, I get static/white noise/floor noise when I use PureSound today. However in the beginning I did not get floor noise when using PureSound, so I think it’s something related to my HAs aging and the internal components becoming noisier.