What hearing aid is best at Costco?

I am a new user. Have had the KS10’s, $!,399, for about 6 to 8 weeks. I would start there as they are the lowest price. They have a 6 months trial period. You enough time to make a reasonable decision. An important factor is how far away the Costco is. You will have to go back for return visits, and if the Costco is a long drive that could be to be a pain.

My local Costco has been very busy with appointments, including return appointments, about a month out. I did do one drop in to get the ear pieces changed, and that was fine. It has taken me about a three months and 4 trips with another trip scheduled to get mine to what I would say is acceptable.

Good luck.

My apologies. Sarcastic might have been the wrong word. As I said in my earlier post, I thought that your comment about the sales rep was a good insight. With regard to your comment that 3 brands “appear to be exact copies rebranded but not Philips”, I thought you were implying an eye roll and that Philips of course was too, following the same Costco pattern. That’s what I was getting at with my comment, thinking that the inference didn’t necessarily follow.

Ahhh gotcha. That makes sense. No I was just saying I know those three are copies and that I can see how people would assume the same of the philips, especially given comments on the rep… :grin:

Do any of you ever sit back and reread what you’re writing? Certainly you have the time because you obviously have an excess amount of time on your hands.

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Deleted because I was getting just as guilty!!!

Now I understand better. Thanks so much. What you’re saying makes complete sense.

Message boards can unfortunately leave a gap in understanding. Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt. Much appreciated.

Boy these Costco threads certainly do seem to rub a lot of people the wrong way. Someone recently said Costco hearing aids are locked meaning you can only get them adjusted at Costco and can’t take them to say an independent audiologist a year later for further adjustment. And as far as I’m concerned the hearing aid sold at Costco is the one you walk out with stuck in your ear

Not quite true, only “some” are locked, mostly the older models, all the latest models sold at the moment are unlocked, it could of course easily change in the future.

Are Philips unlocked?

Wasn’t @Abarsanti able to tweak his 9030s on his DIY getup ?

Yep they sure are, a few people have confirmed this already. This is what makes Costco’s HAs such a great all round deal.

Thanks for the quick response. I was just curious about that. It wasn’t meant as a knock on Costco. So thanks for cleaning it up

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I was able to modify the philips 9030 and the jabra HAs.


Thanks for the info.

FilterTrons…love them. Especially the TV Jones Classics. The Ray Butts version is the King of F’Trons. YOMV.
Right now, getting to know my new G&L Deluxe Asat Classic with MFD pickups.

@GuitarGuy69: No offense, but I don’t think many folks would appreciate a guitar pickup discussion here. There are other places. I just introduced guitars here to illustrate a point about hearing.

[This place is for whether you can even hear your pickups! :joy:]

Not much difference between guitar brands and models, and pickups. Most people don’t know a Telecaster, Strat, Gibson, or Gretsch, etc.
But these fine folks will skip over non-relevant posts and go on to the next one.
I think both of us stepped over an invisible line. But we don’t need a censor to slap our wrists. I didn’t know you were the moderator here. You could have said it a little more relevant to the non-musicians.


Very true. How you hear things is very personal. What works for you is the one you want.

You can give me the best AI high faluten most expensive hearing aids on the planet and I will still hear distorted speach in my left ear.
Hearing aids can not correct nerve damage.

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This horse has been well beaten but let me just add that my understanding from Costco was that the 9030 is made by Oticon. Perhaps a more accurate statement might be that it’s made by one of the Demant companies for Philips. In my case, I was interested in HAs that handle music well. The 9030s do a pretty good job with that (as do Oticons and probably other Demant HAs).

I was never under the impression that they were rebranded anything. There is no doubt that they are based on Demant experience and technology but it seems that they were designed for a specific niche and for the price, they work very well.

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