What color did you choose and why?

Please suffer me this foolish question:

I ordered my More3s in TerraCotta (otherwise known as Caramel Cadaver). I regret the choice, and wished I had gotten the Chestnut Brown.

Is there any way to change the BTE housing to a different colour?

[:drooling_face:I apologize for this stupid question! I’m too embarrassed yet to call the audiologist about it …]


ANSWER: I got up the nerve to call my audi. The colour can be changed at any time during the warranty period but the devices have to be sent back to Oticon.

There’s a 7-10 day turnaround time, but it’s a N/C service.

[HerSelf®️ has put the kibosh on the idea, however. She says that it will look like I have a cat poop stuck behind my ear!]

Boring, but black to match my hair.

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I really like the new style black from Phonak. Think they are called velvet black.


I’d consider Chartreuse if I could find 'em


Oticon has a vivid aqua. Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 7.02.33 PM

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Look up hearing aid stickers on Esty! I was in the same boat and got glitter stickers, marvel, unicorns, and Harry Potter decals!


Silver, because I liked it. LOL


Panasonic has a sort of green one…they seem to sell theirs only in Japan and call the color khaki but close enough to chartreuse??


They would make good fishing lures. LOL

Panasonic Trout R-T

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Expensive ones, too :laughing:


I have Paradise P70’s in chestnut brown. Matches my hair decent but my hair is short so I dont know how much it blends. I wear clear framed glasses which I think would accommodate any color HA. So far no one has noticed unless the conversation came up and I told them I have HA’s.

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I went with a dark gray to match my prescription glasses. I just ordered them today, my first pair. Looking forward to hearing what I have been missing.


I’d like to get my hands on some banana yellow or lime green HAs to go with my helmet!

[Or maybe black to look like a helmet seed!]


And to think I thought I was really reaching when I went with a silver sorta grey color (forgot the marketing name they gave it). I have salt and pepper hair, but with the BTE being so small with a RIC and thin wire down, it’s virtually unnoticeable. Th first time I wore them to visit my daughter she didn’t even catch on that I was wearing them until she realized I could hear what she said.

Oticon opn in dark black to match my hair. I’d much prefer blue or red.

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Ugh, I‘m so annoyed with the choices offered by most manufacturers! Why on earth do they only offer a variety of colors for children‘s hearing aids? Imagine only offering glasses in skin tones - so that people don’t notice „that thing in your face“!! To me, the available super boring, „blend in“ color schemes communicate loudly and clearly that it’s shameful if people notice my hearing aids and that I should try to hide them as much as possible. The colors also feed into the myth that only old people wear hearing aids (and the ageist assumption that old people somehow don’t like color in their lives). Mine are silver/grey because this was the most „colorful“ choice available. I would feel so much better about my hearing aids if they were bright pink or dark green or metallic blue or even a nice striped or plaid pattern. With short hair, my hearing aids are definitely visible, but because they‘re behind my ears, I would have much less reservations about choosing bright colors than I do with glasses, for example. I really like having brightly colored accessories - and stuff like stickers or eargear are not the solution for me. They look kind of makeshift to me and not at all „cool“ and professional. My hearing aids help me hear in technicolor, so why shouldn‘t they be technicolor themselves? Pleeeeeease give us more choice!!! And build the hearing aids so that we can actually switch the casing easily. How cool would it be if we could change our hearing aid style up every now and then?


@Tom4: FWIW, I heartily agree, and I was dead serious in a previous post when I said I’d like a banana yellow pair!

I may send my TerraCrotte (look up the meaning of ‘crotte’ in French!) Oticon More3s back to be recased in Chestnut Brown, the closer to resemble behind-the-ear cat tur…:face_with_hand_over_mouth: OOPS!

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Felt inspired to turn my earlier post into a blog post. So if you want something shareable on social media, here you go: Why Are Hearing Aid Colors So Stigmatizing? – coffee at my place


I posted this way back in November, so just for an update to add to your color choices:
[Ear Gear](https://www.amazon.com/Ear-Gear-Original-Hearing-Protection/dp/B00BOSYAYE 41)

My uncle, who is a IT man, had a black pair of BTE because he said black matches with his other tech devices (iPhone, MacBook, etc.)