Vanish Hearing Aid Dye

Thanks for the clever suggestion!

Pretty sure using any kind of dye on your shells or removing them will void any warranty still remaining

This will vary by location. It seems under US law that the manufacturer would have to prove that removing the shell or the dye process caused the hearing aid malfunction. One might be able to buy a second shell and keep the stock one for potential warranty claims.

Go ahead and gamble on that. As far as i know, here in the states most mfgā€™s will void any warranty if you alter factory sealed devices. Thats why even an audiologist doesnt attempt repairs like shell removal in house, unless out of warranty and then most still wont.

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Warranty void if opened stickers are deterrents and not binding.

Have you actually removed a shell? I canā€™t speak for all units/brands but the ones Iā€™ve seen there is no seal, nothing to break as long as reasonably careful, and no easy way a manufacturer could determine the shell was removed. Anyone see anything different out there?

Audiologists canā€™t fix or fully test the guts so why bother removing the shell instead of sending it in. They do swap battery doors which is part of the shell and a similar pin removal process.

In the context of trying to dye the shell with the guts inside versus removing the shell, removing the shell is the safer option. I would try to not dye the inside of the shell so the manufacturer canā€™t claim the dye somehow damaged the guts from contact after reassembly. Itā€™s possible dye residue could react with rubber parts around mics for example. Itā€™s possible dye could alter fitment tolerances.

Yes, Iā€™ve worn HAs for over 20 years and mostly no one seems to notice them! I believe this because for a decade they were RED and when I sometimes called them to attention, people were always surprised, saying, ā€œI never even noticed!ā€.
Iā€™m now wearing Jabra EP20s with the tiny thin wires, and I guarantee you virtually no one notices them. I work a busy front desk once a week at a public facility and whenever they do come into conversation (because Iā€™ve mentioned them) people say, ā€œOh, I never noticed!ā€.
Iā€™m pro-active and love to discuss them and encourage anyone with hearing loss to get with it and take advantage of the wonderful technology we have today!!
(Donā€™t be afraid to try Costco, with the most affordable devices, if one is near you. They are terrific!!)

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Im more referring to rechargeable aids. Audi told me they are factory sealed. Its why they have an IP68 water resistance rating.

Not everything audiologists say is correct. If there are pins and buttons how do you think the shell is supporting the IP68 rating? The guts are rated due to the materials, coatings, sealants, etc. The shell holds it all together and adds color, buttons, etc. Oticon Real, for example, have the same IP68 rating for the rechargable and 312 versions. Possibly the waterproof Lumity Life and some others without pins use some sort of glue/sealant.

Thinking i will believe my audi over some anonymous online advice that is counter to what i was directly told.
Like i said, go for it. I still have many years of warranty left and wont take a chance on voiding the warranty.

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I do not have the tubes on my aids. However, it has been found that with computer parts, cases, toys, etc that you can get rid gf the yellowing from plastics by suing hydrogen peroxide. It bleaches out that horrible yellow color pretty fast.
You can google to learn more but these directions are basically what I have done in the past and it actually works amazingly.
ā€œCoat the plastic in hydrogen peroxide to fix discoloration. Hydrogen peroxide works well on plastics that have turned entirely yellow instead of in just one spot. Fill a plastic bag with enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the plastic. Stick the plastic in the bag of hydrogen peroxide and lay it out in direct sunlight. Wait 3-4 hours before rinsing it off with clean waterā€

Oh I should mention that it is mostly ammonia that causes the yellowing in plastics. cleaning your TV or monitor screen with an ammonia containing cleaner is BAD.
Your sweat naturally contains ammonia and it will affect the tubes easily.

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Yes I wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy but have to accept it. Itā€™s a tough burden to bear sometimes.

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Hello @finovox, the biggest gift you can bestow upon yourself is excepting your own hearing loss, coming to terms with it, and all that this entails, is the only road to recoveryā€¦ Although, I am not a Christian, I chant this prayer below, to myself every day, cheers Kev :smile:

God Grant me Serenity to except the things, I cannot changeā€¦ Courage to change the thingā€™s, I canā€¦ And Wisdom to know, the differenceā€¦

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Aimee-Louise Paddock has a You Tube video showing many styles of decorated hearing aids, with rewritten lyrics to the tune ā€œshake it off.ā€ It literally contains dozens of ideas. I mention this as someone with brightly colored BTE tubes and earmolds.