Vanish Hearing Aid Dye

Has anyone tried this? I have ordered the kit and going to try it on my Nero Pro 2.


I want everyone to see my hearing aids, because even with my aids it is obvious that I am hard of hearing. I have never understood why anyone is ashamed of their disabilities. I am retired now, but I put the fact I had a hearing loss and wore aids at the top of my resume. I retired as a Master level IT Professional from Dell Computers. I got my job because I was up front and honest about my hearing loss, and was hired despite that fact on the merit of my capabilities.


That’s entirely understandable, however I always had a hearing loss in one ear, but I really never thought of it as a disability. I still don’t. I was not offered a hearing aid growing up. The technology back then wasn’t for my loss. I wasn’t offered accommodations or self advocacy skills, which probably would have been helpful. I don’t think many people realized I had a hearing loss.

Now, I realize that hearing poorly out of one ear has its limitations, and there is technology now that can help to mitigate those limitations. I still don’t like how it looks to have the tube coming out of my ear. The IIC also doesn’t feel as comfortable, and I don’t like how they look either. I have sometimes told people I don’t hear well out of one ear, but I find myself thinking now that if I’m not wearing a hearing aid, and I need to tell people this, and I have one, I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing.

Add to this that I am right on the edge of hearing aid for the left ear, and my thinking is might as well get two since insurance covers it, and I can slowly get used to that too, little by little, because I will eventually be using two all the time, since I’m 51 and my hearing ability isn’t likely to improve, but it is likely to decrease over time. For noisy chaotic listening, I do think it will help to have two, if they are adjusted correctly, for that situation.

I am still not sure what type to get. I have an appointment coming up in a few weeks with an audiologist who has a lot of rave reviews so hopefully will have some good suggestions for me. I suspect an IIC won’t fulfill my needs because of the program limitations. But maybe Starkey Genesis would be an option? I will ask.

If I can make the tubes blend in with my skin, I will feel more confident wearing them. If I can’t, I won’t. It’s just how I feel.

I also don’t wear glasses except for driving. It’s a very light prescription. I make my fonts large rather than wear reading glasses.

I do plan to put up a lot of felt backgrounds to cover my class bulletin boards, and also hang curtains, and really make my room acoustically comfortable. This will benefit all the students, and the adults as well.


My hearing loss wasn’t apparent until I started doing phone support as an IT professional. I knew I had tinnitus and have had it since 1975. And thinking back I was told at the time of my discharge from the Navy I had some mild hearing loss, I didn’t take it seriously, mostly because I was stressed enough just worrying about finding a job to take care of my family. My hearing loss really showed up around 1999 when I changed my profession to computer software and became a phone support engineer. My wife made me get my hearing tested. And wow I was struck by what I was told. Then I was told what aids cost and I put off getting aids. In early 2004 I was between jobs and decided to go to the VA for help with my medication. I was given a full physical, including a hearing test. I was told to submit a claim for my hearing loss. Even with the fact it was noted in my Navy medical records that i had some hearing loss it took over 2 years before i got my first aids from the VA. But it has been great every since I got my full benefits and disability rating. I have been wearing aids now every since.


Your loss is service related so you have that point of pride. For me, I didn’t accomplish anything to get the loss on the right side. Although, there is also something to be proud of in taking care of what I need to do in order to hear at my best.


But there never should be any shame in the fact that you have hearing loss either. We are all human and have our imperfections. That is just what makes us human.


My sentiments exactly Chuck, if you have got it, then flaunt it :upside_down_face: To me, there is no point in hiding hearing aids, all your good friends know you are deaf, all your close work colleagues are likewise, they may not say anything, for fear of embarrassing you, but they know! Being discreet about hearing aids, is ultimately a disadvantage, for HOH folks, you need folks to speak clearly, enunciate their words, let you see there face, for visual clues or perhaps lip reading… If they don’t know, they cant help you to communicate! When I meet someone for the very first time, I immediately point to my aids, most folks don’t notice them, as a general rule of thumb, most hearing folks aren’t very observant, we hearing aid users are fairly observant, in some instances, our eyes have become our ears, and we will clock a fellow hearing aid user, before they approach us, to perhaps have a chat…Cheers Kev :grin:


I’ve worn hearing aids for 20 years and nobody seems to notice. I’m convinced I could wear grapefruits behind my ears and nobody would notice.

They would, however, notice if I was regularly asking them to repeat themselves because I couldn’t hear them well.


Ive used it. Works well on the receiver wire/tube. It tends to wear off over time so hang on to everything so you can do it again.


To each their own! It sounds like it is applied to the tubes / wires, not the aids which are colored to blend already. Should work like a charm. I think domes also come in colors, although fewer, so there may be an option to blend them if the dome is large, although with your loss it sounds like it won’t be. (My aids are big and bright, so I can’t speak from personal experience on how to hide them, except as a woman where long hair works. But that’s unlikely to be your thing.) Good luck with it all!


Please keep in mind that no one ELSE sees your hearing aids like you do! I have worn bright RED hearing aids with very short hair for years and consistently have people question me when I am talking about hearing issues - - - “why am you concerned, after all, you don’t wear hearing aids!”


Years ago I researched the vanish product.
Never used it.
I’m way past my vanity stage with hearing aids
The way I look at it, if the vanish makes you feel more comfortable about wearing your aids then go for it.
Wearing your hearing aids is what’s most important.
Whatever it takes.


@Don, how often does it need a touch up?

I would say 9 months or so. Probably depends on the shade. Also, you will get new receivers or tubes from time to time.


I wear my aids with pride and do not care who sees them,they are part of who I am. You should never be embraced about them.


I was on a bus a couple of weeks ago and when we stopped by a high school a bunch of young guys got on. As we were going along I heard one of them behind me say something like “hey check out that guys ear buds. what are they?” Then a few of them guessed. ‘I think they are Beats’ and so on. Finally one of them said “Naw, those are hearing aids” They did a few ‘Ahhs’ and then they started talking about other things. Embarrassing? I don’t think so.







Nice. Could something like this work, too?


I believe those ear horns are the first hearing aids made by Demant. :slight_smile: