Vanish Hearing Aid Dye

If you have single-sided deafness, you may want to ask your audiologist about Bi-cros hearing aids. What are CROS and BiCROS Hearing Aids and Who Needs Them?

Yes, there will still be wires, but at least you’ll be able to hear better.

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Thanks, but I’m not deaf in my bad ear. Maybe I’d call it half deaf in one ear, which is a quarter deaf overall, but I don’t think that the cros would help me. I actually like the help I get from a regular hearing aid on that side.Between the frequency lowering and the amplification, it
definitely provides a benefit there.

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Hey I LIKE that idea! I think there’s a market for colorful, neutral or even invisible parts on one’s aids. F’instance, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Precious Pink of my “bean” behind the ear. But I think the silvery ear wire detracts from that colorful look. It’s like seeing necklaces on almost invisible chains with a pretty, delicate pendant. If the chain overpowers the pendant, it’s not the same “look”.

I’m guessing the flesh-toned wire colors should last pretty long, as long as the user doesn’t spray them with hairspray or other chemicals to eat away at the color.

Related to this, I’ve always been BUGGED that ear wires are not CUSTOM CUT to fit our ears better! I have retainers that were made based on laser imaging. It can’t be rocket science to trace a line on someone and deduce the optimum length for the ear wire. But like a cheap pair of shoes, the wires come in S/M and L as far as I know. Doesn’t exactly cover the population of us wearing these wires. :face_with_monocle:

And who would pay $7000 bucks for shoes that come in one of 2 sizes? 'xactly. No one.


@1Bluejay I totally agree with you about wire sizes. My ears are between sizes so I have to compromise!


The results are in… just finished dying my HA and now going to try it out for size… it is not invisible but I feel a lot more comfortable. I like it so far…first two are dyed, bottom two are before pics.


That is amazing. the wires are virtually invisible. Thanks for the pictures.


Sure, yes, it’s pretty cool!! Here’s a couple more angles… all taken in daylight. It’s still visible but it isn’t as noticeable. Well worth it for me. Maybe later I’ll feel differently, but it works for now. Next, I’ll try to find something new. This HA is about 10 years old. I’ve got the summer to figure it out and be ready for school in the fall.


I have almost the exact opposite issue. I’ve had both bright purple and bright red hearing aids in the past, but when I was buying my last set of aids no nice colours were available. So I bought plan champagne color aids, but I’d love to find a dye to dye them red, purple or turquoise. Any suggestions?

I don’t know about dying the actual electronic unit. That seems very risky. Maybe stickers or cloth wrapping would be better, lower risk options?

Ive wondered about the cloth wrappings, or sleeves as they’re sometimes called. You’d think they risk muffling the microphones. Anyone have experience?

Phonak C-Shell molds have custom length wires. The receivers are encased in the mold, and connected to the wire in the mold.

The vanish dye is not used on the case or microphones. Just on the plastic that holds the wire. You can also put it on a canal lock or the visible part of a skeleton mold.

Edit: Sorry, i replied to the wrong person. :laughing:

To be honest the only people that have ever noticed my aids are others that wear aids. Unfortunately with my hearing loss my hearing loss is noticeable even with aids. With my latest aids, Oticon INTENT1 aids not as much so as before.


Yeah Chuck, we will indeed clock other hearing aid users, usually at some distance, it is a good conversation opener, “What hearing aids are you wearing” or “What type of loss, do you have”?? Most folks tend to slightly relax, in the company of fellow HOH, we are acutely aware of the problems, so in turn I believe, we are at ease with listening to likeminded souls… Cheers Kev :wink:


I tend to buy any colour for BTE aids except flesh colour but I absolutely hate the tube and mould colour. I don’t care about hiding my aids themselves but the yellowed ear wax look after the tube is used a while looks horrible.

That is a heavy loss you have @finovox… I let my A.uD pick the colour of my aids, I am not interested in the aesthetics, it doesn’t float my boat, my only interest is how well they work…I use twin walled tubing, its double the thickness of normal tubing, gives you approximately another 5db of gain, my A.uD will give me a spare pack… If the tubing is starting to discolor with wax, then it’s probably brittle and needs changing, I change the tubing every 4 to 6 months, I can usually tell its time, as the tubing gets harder/brittle, probably caused by UV light or moisture, perhaps both? It will start to move up the opening of the mould/mold, and sometimes work its way out of the mold, time to change… Cheers Kev :wink:

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So true when it does discolour it should probably be changed, my audiologist is really good and gives me spare hooks, tubes and moulds so that I can change without a visit. But sometimes when I do put fresh tubes on I need to get the anti-feedback routine run to fine tune the aid again.

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I would guess that the vast majority of people go through a phase where the aesthetics are really important. I know I did in the early days. What you have done is absolutely fantastic and I hope you enjoy rocking your new look.

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I’ve black BTE aid and a child asked me one day why my AirPods were black? I really need Apple white ones next time :rofl:


No suggestions for how to best dye the plastic shell but you can remove the pins and take the shell off so the electronics are not damaged. Pay close attention as some pins are longer than others on some aids.