using "speech in noise" program in oticon intent 1

I am enjoying my Oticon Intent 1 and they are a big improvement over my Starkey’s. I use the General mostly. I like the Comfort program for loud dining environments. I tried the “speech in noise” program and it has noise in the background already and made the dining environment even more difficult. What is that program used for and how? Also, on the General, there’s an icon for speech that may be an enhancement. I do not find discussion of these programs and when to use each in the manuals. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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I have the new Philips 9050 which are suppose to be from the same or similar as yours. So far I am finding that the general setting is working out. But I have also downloaded the software and I am prepared as soon as my device gets here, to start tinkering with one of my programs. Not sure if that same ( speech in noise ) will work out, but there is a lot of adjustments to be made, to make it better! Hopefully!

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I have the INTENT1 aids and only have the general program and find it to be the only program that I heed. I have found the INTENT1 aids to be a life changer for my hearing and life experiences.

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I am testing Intent 2 because this is enough for me, I don’t use most of the 1 feature and I couldn’t really found a difference between those two, so it’s not worth wasting money for it.
Speech in noise is yes a bit strange, because it makes everything louder but it should also make the speech clearer, I usually reduce the volume 1 or 2 times to have a better sound balance and I think this is better than just reducing the volume on the automatic programm. I myself have not a problem with understanding, my problem is somethimes that everything is to loud for me and makes me tired.

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I find the speech in noise great for my needs. And i have the INTENT1 aids because it is what the VA provides to veterans. And for my complicated speech understanding issues my audiologist pulls out all of the stops to get my speech understanding where it is.

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I also find the Speech in Noise not to be so great in a loud environment. I use the Comfort program at these times. Love many things about the Intent, but not how it handle noisy environments.

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Exactly, I don’t like the low suppression either, I wish there was more, but so far no hearing aid has been better than Oticon and it’s amazing how well I can hear despite the noisy environment

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Thanks. I use the General and Comfort but haven’t found the speech in noise too helpful.

I agree that the the Intent 1 is a major improvement over my original Starkeys!

I agree about the speech in noise. I first used it as I walked in to a brew pub and it was very loud in general. I switched to Comfort and was able to hear my friends and the background noise was diminished.

I do the same, using Comfort. I have been able to hear conversations in loud environments using that. It’s a major change from my old Starkeys.

9050 user here. I was similarly frustrated with speech in noise until I tried turning down the volume 2 steps. It made a world of difference - reduced surrounding noise with no loss of comprehension at our table. In speaking with my hearing aid person, she said this was not surprising. Maybe try bumping down the volume a notch or two the next time you are in a restaurant and see if that helps.


OK, since you asked, I’lll LINK you to the Oticon White Paper which explains how they developed SIN, and resolve issues with their Genie 2 fitting software.
This is aimed at Audiologists, so may be a bit technical, but it’s really a great tool you can show your HCP to have them set up your Intents as INTENDED :sunglasses:


Thanks for sharing that whitepaper. I’ll definitely be giving that flow a try. Coming to Intents from Phonak Paradise, I’m currently kind of disappointed with the speech intelligibility with the Intents both while driving and while streaming. I had already figured out that the app volume adjustment while streaming affects external noises only, and turning it down a couple stops helps a lot. Fingers crossed the rest of the difference is a settings issue as well.

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Your HCP can adjust the Phone settings in the Genie 2, just tell them the issues.
The setting for phone are in the "End Fitting"screen.
There is Phone volume, Mic to Ambient (your issue), and a tone control.
Below that is a setting for Bass, which works well for streaming music when set to Max.


Actually, I have Genie 2 and a Noah link, so it’s just a matter of sitting down and adjusting things. I’ve been reluctant to make any big changes so far, but I’m definitely going to follow the advice from that whitepaper and adjust the Mic to Ambient as you suggest. I’ll try setting streaming Bass to Max as you suggest, as well.

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Oh, great, DIY is the only way!
Have fun!

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Thanks! I used the speech in noise yesterday at a sports bar (go Dodgers) with the volume down and it worked out well. I had been using Comfort but this seemed good. Overall, a big improvement over my old Starkey’s.