Using Roger Select iN with Phonak Marvel requires adding a hearing aid program?

If you buy and IN Roger Select, would you still need a Roger Program to be installed in order for the mic to work with your Marvels?

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Just needs to be set up - search around here for directions. Then control with the app or buttons on HAs

Hi, thanks for the reply.
I have the instructions for installing from an IN device. My question is does the Audi still need to put a Roger Program in the Marvels?

I’m pretty sure the program is already on your HAs but if you need any fine tuning / adjustments to the Roger program, then your Audi should be able to do it.

I’m not at home to look at the software but just taken a quick look at Google and now I’m not too sure the Roger program is already on the Marvels.

Not sure about the Marvels but when I check on the MyPhonak app it shows to RogerDirrct programs fitted on my aids even though I do not have any Roger device.

It is there but won’t show in the app until paire and active.

Will show in target though.

In short, @Sandpiper yeah, buying and properly connecting is enough. ‘transfering receiver codes / licences’ it the keyword

Thanks for the post!

I may have confused the issue. I don’t have the Marvels I’m trying to help another person and I’m wondering if she could buy the Select IN on eBay and get it to work on her own. (In other words install the receivers and do the connect procedure).
It occurred to me she may not have a Roger program in them.

I have Naida B-90s, target and the Icube II and I play around with the Roger programming on my own.

Hope that clarifies things. I’m still confused as to whether She could get the IN Mic to work without a visit to an Audi.

I’m also curious if Receivers during the uninstall process need to go back in the device that they came from. A different friend had the install done to her marvels with Roger X and the

Thanks Blacky and everyone,
Very helpful!
I’m not sure she’ll do this but it’s good to know.

Select iN works with marvels and paradises. And no need for audi visit.

Older generations of HAs need physical devices, receivers, either in a new battery door form or plug in device.
And buying iN device which is usually more expensive makes no sense, since those receivers inside iN mics can’t be used on older HAs, and with this physical device they have those receivers inside.

For older HAs I’m not sure if roger program has to be ‘turned on’ in programming sw directly. I’m familiar only with marvel and paradises.

This part is a bit confusing? What do you ask, if possible, with as precise naming as possible. I know, phonak did bad job in naming things.

eBay is a good place to buy but do make sure that the receivers are back into the Select before you buy as I’ve noticed that even tho there are quite a few Roger iN devices on eBay, not all of them say that the receivers are there as well.

Receivers = licenses.

Thought I would post this for others

Does anyone know how they would install type 2 receivers?

Type 2 you would need to buy type 2 Roger X receivers and install the licenses with the machine.

You need to buy newer Roger X receivers for them to work, serial number of 1744 or later.

OK, Thanks.
I noticed that too!

OK, that is what I thought.

Thanks Blacky,
I lent my Non IN select to someone. Her Audi put receivers in with the installer.
I was debating buying a select IN on ebay without the receivers, assuming that it would work with my Naida B-90’s, anyway I was just curious if the receivers that he installed could be un-installed into that select. Decided not to buy it though, I use several clip on mics in restaurants and I do well so I can wait for her to return my select.
As far as the IN being more, I paid more for my non-IN then the prices that I am seeing on Ebay.
Thanks again for your post!

Yes it’ll work. The only difference between the normal Select and the Select iN is obviously the licenses but also the Select iN doesn’t have Bluetooth in it.

Good to know, Thanks!

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IN can hold licences/keys/codes , so uninstall works exactly like that, you just transfer them back from aids to mic (again, marvel and paradise aids).

As long as your aids have licences/receivers in any form (as physical devices for non Mar/Par aids or as keys transferred for Mar/Pars), you can use whichever mic you want.

Since they killed BT because of incompatibility with Mar/Par aids, they ‘gifted’ us with licences/keys. In some markets (uk) price of select iN is price of select + 2x price of direct x (standalone receiver) with maybe a small discount.
Here in Germany select and select iN cost basically the same.

Didn’t saw iNs on ebay when I was looking back then.