User Review of Whisper Hearing Aids

Given that you’ve had two Brains stop working, maybe the charger is the problem.

Do you have another MicroUSB charger that you can try? When I travel, I charge my Brain with a MicroUSB charger from an old phone. It charges it successfully, but the lights on the Brain don’t change from red to green when it’s fully charged. I figure that the Brain isn’t being harmed as long as it doesn’t heat up. With another charger I have (actually a brick with MicroUSB cable in this case), the Brain alternates between charging (lights are red) and not charging (lights are peach). That seems like a less desirable situation, so I don’t use that one.

Different charger for each brain. But it does give me something else to look at. Thanks for the suggestion.

In both cases, it happened after the brain had been allowed to run down without being recharged. With the current brain, where it works for about 5 hours before going dead, I decided to let it charge for a full day, actually 28 hours, before resuming use. So far, it’s bee going strong for 8 hours today. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Brain seems to be back on track. It’s been running for 15 hours today without a problem. Whew!

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Hi, Bill. Happy New Year.

Here’s my usage and charge remaining for today. This is typical. My big dog (180 lbs) has had 6 epileptic seizures in the past 53 hours. (He’s a cluster seizurer, and his are pretty short and mild, but we have to listen day and night to be ready with the muscle relaxant for a powerful dog his size.) I couldn’t live with a machine that only gave me 15 hours of use.

Happy New Year, Jim.

Little different usage, haha. The Brain is normally not needed throughout the day, which is why the recent snafu wasn’t a crisis for me. So it can be plugged in to recharge during the day when conditions are not demanding - or when you’re in the shower. Until the last few days, my experience has been that it’s been good for at least 16 hours.

Now most of us are not the insomniacs that you are. For anyone who sleeps 8 hours, then 16 hours covers your waking hours and it recharges while you sleep.

Whisper subscription cancellation? What is the process and cost if a Whisper subscriber needs to cancel before the 3 years have passed?

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Hope your dog feels better soon.

Glad your More’s are holding up to your demand.

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:blush: Thanks very much for your expression of concern . It’s much appreciated.

Seth is a great dog.



Fluffy!! I couldn’t say what breed it is tho. Dogs are great friends.

Seth is a 180 pound Newfoundland dog, a Champion in both North American and European registries.

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Wonderful, I’ve heard of that breed.

I was about to say he looks like a Newfy. Great dogs. Well, I think most dogs are great dogs. I hope you can get the seizures under control.

Mine is a 13 yo Boston Terrier, and he’s been having more and more trouble. Ugh. He can be so cranky, too. Stubborn. But we love him so.


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I think the subscriber is responsible for the entire amount (it’s listed on the contract).

I’m still happy with my Whispers, but I do find carrying the Brain around to be a bit of an inconvenience / annoyance in situations where I don’t have a spare pocket or my backpack.

I also really dislike having to use disposable batteries.

Thanks for your reply. I haven’t been able to actual see the contract. What are the options for making subscription payments? Monthly? Paid it all in advance? etc Thanks

Someone who has an issue with Brain battery life can plug it in while using it, if they’re stationary or in a car. Otherwise, since it has a standard MicroUSB connector, I don’t see why a phone battery pack wouldn’t work. It isn’t like rechargeable earpieces, where you’d have to rig up wires coming out of your ears in order to charge them while in use.

To each their own preferences and limitations, of course. But they’re big 675 batteries, easier to handle than the batteries that most non-profound people are used to.

The contract is titled “Consumer Closed End Lease/Consumer Paper”. It’s between you and Synchrony Bank. Payments are monthly. At signup I was given the option to prepay some or all of the cost, but didn’t see any advantage to doing so.

I wore my Unitron North Moxi Fit 800s into the shower, briefly, a couple of times, and they survived, by some stroke of luck. Can’t see a plugged-in recharger surviving that, however.

Thanks you so much for this review.

Yikes. Synchrony Bank. Sharks. Usually they are for those that are credit challenged and usually charge very high interest rates. What interest rate are you charged? Tnx

0%. The previous poster stated that there was no benefit to prepaying.

I find it hard to believe that Synchrony Bank is doing this for free. They are paying Whisper upfront and charging users a monthly fee. Somewhere in that lease fee is an interest rate or a money factor. It may be we’ll hidden, but it’s there. No bank pays upfront, then charges exactly what they paid. They wouldn’t be in business long…