[post deleted]

Yeah sure, but the latest version is fine as well, use the iCube ll for your programming device, easy to get on eBay, and do check out the target user guide before jumping in, any questions just ask on the forum, we have a lot people doing DIY to help you along.


Super many thanks, I have a HiPro USB on order (and an older RS232 version) so i should be alright.
I’ll get my interface working first then have to wait for the cables to arrive.
Exciting stuff!

Which Venture model, Audéo V, Naída V, Bolero V, Virto V?
You will need CS44a Phonak/Unitron cables with pins 3&4 reversed from standard CS44 cables.

Yeah it sure is, but I’m surprised your going with HiPro, but it seems your familiar with it having the older serial port version.

While programming hearing aids is all new to be RS232 is not, Who on earth would of thought we’d still be using interfaces that were old-hat when i studied them some 30 years ago. Still, they do a job and in most cases rather well. But, i still gaffour when i have to use AT commands! My hearing aids are Audéo V90 (i think T) with the 312 battery. I’ve ordered some phonak-branded CS44 cables that should do although, i’ll invert 3-4 if needed.
Out of interest does anyone know the RF interface for the older, non-Bluetooth devices? I fired off the supplied ComPilot next to my very basic analyser and saw 12MHz and some very LF? I was expecting something in an ISM 433/466MHz.
Tenkan, decision based purely on hard cash? Hi-Pro =£20 vs iCube 2 £250.

The cables are too small/miniaturized for splicing. Though you could make a pair of DIY converters.

All good if your happy to use HiPro, but I was more about the convenience of wireless programming, as in over the setting up and hassle/tangle of the cables + plus any flex connecters (not in your case) can’t see why you’d need to pay 250 quid for a iCube ll, i wouldn’t pay that kind of money for a Noahlink wireless even! the last iCube ll I got was $40, I did “upgrade” my serial port HiPro to the Mini Pro from china many years ago, a much better device in every aspect, but I’ll never go back to using HiPro!
As for the frequency range for the compilot, the HF shortwave signal is about 10.6MHz so I guess thats what you picked up? the Bluetooth range is 2.402-2.48 GHz

Super, thanks folks. I’ll keep a lookout for an iCube II (at a more realistic price) as wireless would be more convenient but hopefully the hardware connection pans out for the time being. Yes, that 10.6MHz was probably the comms link that does the programming, streaming and remote control and as my version as the T-Coil i guess there’s a LF/AM element too. There’s certainly lots of tech crammed into these tiny devices.

Collecting wxPython
Using cached wxPython-4.2.0.tar.gz (71 MB)
Preparing metadata (setup.py) … error
error: subprocess-exited-with-error

Just having the exact same issue here.

Were you able to get the menu and try downloading? I also see errors but I am still able to download.

= Universal Hearing Aid Software Downloader =
========================================= v1.7.4 =

Download Complete!
Press any key to continue . . .

ETA: Oh, but not that error on Preparing metadata…
Collecting wxPython
Using cached wxPython-4.2.0.tar.gz (71.0 MB)
Preparing metadata (setup.py) … done

Yes, it does refresh to the next screen (the menu options screen), however regardless of which option I choose to download, I get this error:
Python error2

this error is fine and handled

this should not be hapening though…
I’ll look into it

Ok, please download the latest version (v1.7.6) and run the start-generate-debug-log.bat file and send me the entire output of that


Just wanted to post some of my results to this thread. This is after installing per all instructions and running as administrator…


Ok, I think I see the problem, you are extracting the utility to a network drive \Mac\Home or smth, but Windows itself doesn’t support running scripts from network paths, hence the errors

I’ll probably update instructions with a troubleshooting section in the future
also, running as admin is not supported and my cause unexpected errors

@Blue - But I run Windows via Parallels. Had to replace my computer which died last week so I upgraded to Mac. There should be no technical difference running Windows on an intel based iMac Pro on Parallels. Anything I’m doing that you see is automatic. It’s not intentional.

With the exception of running via administrator. Since, usually, software like python requires special permissions at the admin level.

I’m not talking about that, I’m saying that the location in windows which you have chosen (\Mac\Home\Desktop) is a “UNC Path” which is incompatible, this often happens with network drives, or in your case, parallels

In the next update, however, I do plan on adding native mac/linux support

Try copying the files to somewhere in the C: Driver, such as C:\Users[censored]\Documents

Thanks! For all intents and purposes, I simply copied the files straight to Windows desktop on parallels, like I always do regardless of system. I think there’s some confusion here between the user-facing interface and what the technical side says.