UK: Boots or Specsavers?

I’ve a appointment at boots this Saturday but I’m thinking of cancelling and trying Specsavers instead. The pricing seems vague on the Boots site and it’s putting me off. Any advice on how the two companies compare?

In terms of pricing, Boots is slightly more expensive, I think £3600 for their premium aids, but the difference is that they offer finance, whereas Specsavers do not.

I agree about the vagueness of Boots. Whereas they used to be more transparent about listing their aids and price details, they have now grouped them in categories, Premium, Gold, Silver etc, which is annoying.

Personally I focus upon what aids I need and go from there. I chose Specsavers recently because they do a white label Unitron Vivante, which is similar to the Lumity and compatible with all my existing accessories.

In general, Boots are Sonova, so have Phonak devices and some more obscure Sonova brands. Whereas Specsavers sell Phonak, Philips, Signia and white label Unitron in their Advance range (where I got a good deal).

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Boots seem to do back to back offers and use a printed price list.
Ring them and ask. Before Christmas it was £600 off top spec and then went to 15%.
At busy stores waiting times can be long, try the online system for Boots.
Specsavers have never returned any calls from me.
They do REM if you give notice.

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Neither is an on-shore British business anymore. It would be great if we could all avoid paying tax like they do. Your average independent has to pay their full share of tax to pay your pension or keep your kids in school.

Nobody seems to care about this kind of thing until they can’t get an NHS appointment.


Yeah Stephen, I do empathise with the independent A.uD’s, it is not a level playing field… Sonova have in effect cut out the middle man, by owning Boots Hearing Care (I believe they hold a 51% share) they are basically selling direct to the public, but this is the way of commerce, the major supermarkets strangle the small independent corner shops, we don’t go there for a major shop, on a fixed pensioner income, it would be foolhardy to do so… I live in a remote area, I cannot think of any local independent A.uD’s, perhaps there is one? I don’t think there are many Pan Highlands, even in Inverness, population around 50k, effectively a City, but in reality a small town… Amplifon Chain is now closed down (I believe?) Hidden Hearing Chain will probably be struggling, none can compete with Boots or Specsavers, with there volume sales… In truth, Boots suit my needs & my pocket, if a local independent A.uD where available, the same aids would probably be around £2k more expensive, that is nearly just beyond my financial means, I could manage, but why struggle for the exact same hearing aids? Folks will always vote with their wallets, unless the service is extremely poor, and I can say without fear or favour, Boots take good care of me, my A.uD is ex NHS, and cares deeply about her clients… I am almost certain that you are likewise Stephen, you care… But caring doesn’t pay the bills!!! But, I reiterate, I do empathise… Cheers Kev.

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I concur. I would really like to go to an independent audiologist and have follow up sessions to optimise any new aids, but my experience locally is that I will be paying at least 5k, which I just cannot afford - well, I could afford if I bought a pair every 5 years, but such is the pace of development, and hence releases, I want to upgrade every 2 years or so.

I think the system with the NHS V Private is flawed in a way that is probably stacked against the independent audiologist. I think people should still be entitled to NHS aids, but if they go private and opt out they should receive a voucher towards the aids they buy privately. I know this sounds like a naive argument, but I have often wondered why governments don’t encourage this.


Specsavers are all franchises, so there’s a bit more customer support from Boots having a head office and customer support team which you might want to consider. I know Boots audiologists get training directly from Sonova too

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I am the same @glucas, I like all the bells & whistles, newer tech appeals to me, so does all the Roger ALD’s, I get most of these on eBay second hand… Up until around 2013, I hadn’t paid for a set of aids, they where all NHS issued… I recall though, one NHS A.uD bought & fitted me a private set of off aids, out of his own pocket, around 1996 or 97? I was unemployed or perhaps unemployable might be more applicable, no one would take me on, because of my level of hearing loss, I was extremely grateful for that, leg up… Shortly after this, MD kicked in (Meniers Disease) regular distortion was the new normal, for approximately 8 years, along with vertigo, and various other challenging symptoms, after the vertigo burned out, I vowed to myself back then, once I was financially able, I would buy the best hearing aids, I could afford, in 2013 I bought some Phonak Spice BTE’s, from an online company, £3.5K, they where excellent aids, in comparison to NHS issue, 2019 I got Phonak Marvel 90 RIC’s (Game Changer with Bluetooth) (£2.9k). 2021 Phonak Naida 70 Marvels SP BTE (Free issue from NHS) also 2021 ( Summer?) Phonak Naida Paradise 90 UP BTE’s (£2.8K) December 2023, Phonak Naida Lumity 90 UP BTE’s (£2.1K) £600 discount + 30% discount on top of that, for doing a comparison review (Naida Lumity v Paradise), a good deal for me, so I can’t complain :grin: A private independent A.uD would be selling at a severe loss at £2.1k, I am most fortunate to get that price…Cheers Kev :grin:


Thanks for the replies, I’m not interested in bells and whistles just looking for a improvement on the oticon engage I have. One of my work mates was born deaf in one ear and needs a aid in the other. He wears a ite from Specsavers and has recently upgraded (2 the same ear) for £1700. He’s happy with them. I would prefer battery not rechargeable and don’t want to spend £3500.

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My point wasn’t about whether someone ‘cares’- everyone should.

My point was about paying tax as a corporation: Boots centre of operations/ownership is Walgreens in the USA.

They don’t play on a level playing field (in paying tax), but gladly take the NHS optics and prescriptions contracts. So your government is supplementing their activities while not making sufficient in tax from them to maintain public services.

When you can’t see a Dr or your car suspension gets damaged by a pothole, just be assured that you were a small element of the process that made this happen.

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Unfortunately @Um_bongo … All those things are happening already Stephen! We Brits are already taxed to death, we even get taxed beyond the grave… As for my government, I have never voted Tory in my entire lifetime, will I vote for the Labour Party, no chance!

I shared this little ditty from, “Grant Baptiste” this very morning on Facebook… Sounds about right! Cheers Kev :wink:

For anyone who has the nerve to tell me that we need to pay for water have a read
At first I thought this was funny…Then I realised the awful truth of it. Be sure to read all the way to the end! Think bin charges need to be added in too.

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he’s fed.

Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won’t be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He’s good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he’s laid.

When he’s gone,
Do not relax,
It’s time to apply
The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Airline surcharge tax
Airline Fuel Tax
Airport Maintenance Tax
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Cooking Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Death Tax
Driving Permit Tax
Environmental Tax (Fee)
Excise Taxes
Income Tax
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Petrol Tax (too much per litre)
Gross Receipts Tax
Health Tax
Heating Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Tax
Lighting Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Mortgage Tax
Pension Tax
Personal Income Tax
Property Tax
Poverty Tax
Prescription Drug Tax
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Retail Sales Tax
Service Charge Tax
School Tax
Telephone Tax
Value Added Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Water Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Tax (VAT) on Tax.
And Now they want a blooming Carbon Tax!


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world… We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class,a huge manufacturing base, and Mum stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the Hell happened? Could it be the lying parasitic politicians wasting our money?
Oh, and don’t forget the relatively new bank charges…
And we all know what we think of Bankers.

I hope this goes around the UK at least 1,000,000,000 times!!!

YOU can help it get there!

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No, I don’t accept that premise.

Everyone makes choices. If you personally choose to buy from a company that doesn’t pay tax in the U.K., but is directly being supported by that government then you have made a decision against your own interests.

It’s like buying a Dyson from that Brexiteer clown who assured everyone that it was going to be better for them and then promptly moved his production to Malaysia. Choices have consequences. I’m not anti-free market economics by the way: I wholeheartedly support them. I just expect everyone to be working from the same level of tax and supplements in my market.

Purchasing a service from an offshore supplier in the name of saving a few quid is exactly why this country is struggling. Probably why our levels of childhood poverty are worsening at the highest rate in the Western World. Your money, your choice.


But, as you are no doubt aware @Um_bongo, there are loads of companies operating in the UK sector, whom do exactly the same… I recall President Trump saying, many years ago, prior to his Presidency, and his statement was true, most unusually so :rofl: He said, “Taxes where for poor folks”! I am neither rich or poor, somewhere in between Stephen, on a fixed income, if the likes of Boots, are legally working, and selling their wares on the high streets of Britain, it’s not up too me to question the morality of their operations or indeed their tax evasions, I’m simply not interested, if HM UK Government sanctioned these companies, then it’s up to them, to put a stop to this, not Joe Blogs, whom is always going to pick the cheapest option… Speaking of which, it was my understanding, hearing aids are VAT exempt, please correct me if I am wrong, I never saw any VAT on the sales receipt, on any hearing aids I bought from Boots? In truth, I have no axe to grind with you Stephen, I think if you where in my area, I would seriously consider going to your shop, but at around 400 miles away, it’s a tadge inconvenient, there isn’t any independent A.uD’s, that I am aware of in the Highlands, we do have travelling A.uD’s, whom work for online companies, they usually rent out Pharmacy rooms, to do their dispensaries, so with the absence of choice from any independents, I choose Boots, they look after me, even give me free trials of their aids, at no upfront costs, free custom moulds, free ear hooks, free tubing, free anytime follow up visits, even free trials of their Roger ALD’s, I get an extra 30% discount, on top of other discounts, they treat me very well, and don’t charge me an extra bean… If you where in my position, living hear, with a profound loss, whom would you choose? Cheers Kev :wink:

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Hearing Aids aren’t VAT exempt.

Like I said, I’m not pushing my business, I’m pushing against a system that favours offshore corporates over domestic independents.

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I understand, and strongly empathise with your gripe. Strange then @Um_bongo, Boots don’t appear to charge VAT then… Might be they apply it, prior to the sale price, I just checked my sales receipt from Boots, there is no VAT showing on my Lumity’s… I occasionally buy accessories from Connevans, mainly because they usually have a large stock, and they ship out their packages fairly fast, they are reliable. Normally, I sign the VAT waver, for any Hearing Aid accessories, it doesn’t seem logical you pay no VAT these, yet you say, “Hearing Aids aren’t VAT exempt”… I believe Paradise & Marvels where the same, with no actual VAT showing? What is the actual percentage rate of VAT, for Hearing Aids then? Cheers Kev :wink:

HMRC regards privately purchased hearing aids as a VAT liable item, though you can make the service and aftercare VAT exempt under certain circumstances. Likewise - accessories can have VAT redemption when it’s proven they are sold to someone with a proven hearing loss.

Look: this is a massive Straw-man.

Businesses need to pay tax collectively to keep you in the standard of NHS healthcare you expect. You’re encouraging them not to do that.

Edit: Corporation tax - VAT on the sales price is implied.

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I’m encouraging them… Whats with the accusatory tone Stephen, I fail to see how I, as a single buyer could possibly impact the way that they do business… And yes, I have done reviewing/comparisons for them, but it is my fond hope these where honest reviews, and assessments of the difference between, Naida Paradise & Naida Lumity… Sonova/Boots will carry on doing business as they see fit, with or without my input, they asked me, not the other way around. Do I think about why they asked me, yeah I most definitely do, if they know whom I am? They would probably realise, I can be their worst critic, and best, in probably equal measure? Perhaps they aspire to the great, Chinese General, “Sun Tsu” teachings, when he wrote a book, called "The Art of War’, Circa 500 BC, he said, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer” or words to that effect… But if I am being truthful with myself, Sonova don’t know I exist, they do not really care about individuals, I am to all intensive purposes, a none entity, anything I do or say, means nothing to them, IMO, sales is their only one true God… You and I Stephen, have argued/clashed over the last decade or so, but I respect you deeply, perhaps even fondly, as we mellowed over the years, perhaps the feeling isn’t mutual, but that’s unimportant, in the grand scheme of things…We both are acutely aware, all of the “Top of the Range Hearing Aids” cost around £50 max, to make… And yes there are R&D, Sales & Marketing, and Shipping Costs, but at the end of the day, for some folks, that £5k pair of aids, is really worth £100 quid, that’s their true value, without factoring in the other outgoings. I refuse to capitulate, and pay those prices, nowadays, I don’t mind being ripped off, but I will not be taken to the proverbial cleaners…I worked hard all my days, when given the opportunity, paid my taxes, paid my N.I, but I break out in a sweat when someone mentions the word VAT, I am allergic to that word :rofl: Its a stealth tax, and this government of ours has a proven track record of ineptitude with their treasury, I refuse to add to their coffers… As always, YMMV. Cheers Kev :wink:

If Boots or Specsavers were my only choice, I’d choose Boots for 2 reasons:

  1. Credit options
  2. Their aids aren’t locked, unlike Specsavers (and NHS)

As it happens, I live near the small town in NW England and have found a very good private Audiologist (ex NHS with 30+ years experience, with a music background like myself). He’s been a godsend.

I went to him after 5 years of poor speech recognition with NHS aids. I knew it wasn’t the aids themselves, so I decided enough was enough. Already using Phonak, and owning some Roger ALD stuff, I requested Phonak Paradise with 13 battery. @kevels55 , here’s where Phonak are squeezing the competion again, as I could buy these direct (online dealer, fully programmed with closed domes) for just over £2k. He suggested I bought them, and he’d do his magic, labour only. Slimtip custom moulds followed, and I was all done for just under £3k which I considered excellent value. He led me to believe that Phonak are engaged in all sorts of activities to squeeze out competion. Being the majority stakeholder at Boots, and probably having a major interest in the online company I used are just 2 of these things.

Peter H


My own experience of boots & Specsavers is that they are pretty similar & concentrate on specific brand/model turnover & keeping costs low. This may work for you & if it’s a fairly straightforward set up. Boots returned my repair to another provider (not the aid brand) & it was of a very poor standard (corrected by sending to the correct brand) so they seem to try & keep everything in house.

Personally I would rather pay more from a private dispenser who has specific brand knowledge, time to invest in your set up & doesn’t try to cut corners. I have then ended up very happy in my hearing & not needing to regularly change. It can take a few attempts to find the person best aligned to your needs.


@Um_bongo ,
At the risk of lowering the tone of this thread Steven, I did propose marriage to you if you would come to Yorkshire. You didn’t reply.
I had to travel 2o miles to find an audi who did REM , as I was trying to compare to what I was used to.
I can’t get near the NHS clinic, been waiting two years and now they are introducing a new system that sounds like a waiting list for a waiting list.
As my current aids are problematic I’ve gone for a trial with Boots, I’m worried that I’ll be left without any. I’m too old for this sort of hassle and would gladly pay the NHS to get the service.
Can we have back your duels with the English Patient (Dispenser) please, much more educational and entertaining. :wink: