Traditional battery vs. rechargeable

Exactly my other point @SpudGunner.

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I had my resound charger fail on me, thus making my hearing aid useless… more failure point too

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Why the VA gave my an extra charger

@ssa: I think everyone in this dialogue should bear in mind that nobody (at least not me) is looking to be “right”.
What works for me might be anathema to you.

My YUGE beef is that I wasn’t offered any choice, and - once Mores were available in a disposable battery format - I was cast aside like gum on the bottom of your wheelchair. :flushed:


There are pros and cons to both rechargeable and disposable battery aids. My complaints is the fact that there is a faction that wants to shove rechargeable batteries down our throats, in aids, vehicles and so much other things. I noticed that my comments about the destruction of the environment by the manufacturing of the lithium batteries went unanswered. And if you look in places like Paris France at the graveyard of city electric vehicles that are no longer useable and the city can’t dispose of the vehicles because of the batteries and it is way to costly to try to replace the batteries in the vehicles.
People are so short sighted they don’t look at the big picture, all they see is their tinny world they have been educated in. The real thinkers that see the big picture are told to shut up because the others don’t want to hear the truth.


Universal hearing aid chargers would be good, because then you could get a charger from multiple sources.


Yes it would be but I don’t see it ever happening. But we can only hope.

Chuck, Good luck with trying to get the VA to increase your hearing loss disability rating. They are STINGY with hearing loss percentage. They only increased mine due to WRS. I was within 3% of qualifying for 100% rating due to decreased WRS. and got rated 60%. Just by pure tone loss I think I was at only 40%.

I only see the charge ports being universal via USB C. It’s no different than true wireless buds. Everyone has their own unique case.

@dbanner07: Yes, as many members say “Everyone’s hearing is different.”

That really is the minor part of the charger. I can connect my charger to any number of wall chargers even my laptop or power banks. The issue is that each company makes it impossible for you to charge the aids in any of the charger units other than theirs. They even make sure of it by having the firmware in the aids and charger communicate to each other.

Like Chuck, I get my hearing aids from VA. They also started off offering rechargeable hearing aids only, and pushing hard! I finally told the Audi that if I couldn’t have disposable battery type hearing aid that I would opt to not have a new one. That finally got my message across. You have to advocate for yourself and be willing to stand firm. It would be interesting to have a survey here on hearing tracker on battery v rechargeable. We have the exact correct audience for it.


At this time I am only getting 20% disability, I only have 50% wrs in my right ear. I do have 68% in my left ear. My tinnitus is getting worse after decades of being stable. I can’t understand speech at all without my aids. My wife has adapted her speech for me so I can understand most of what she says when I don’t have my aids on. My audiologist even gave me the talk on CI implants again for my right side. He said I am on the edge as for as he is concerned, and he believes that it is much better to do it a little early than a little late.
I pride my self on my positive attitude but it is getting harder and harder to keep the positive attitude. I hate quiet environments. I also hate some sudden sounds. Like our MinPin barking. There are some female voices that drive me to either lower the volume on my aids or even muting my aids. The VA called the landline for my appointment for the claim review and my wife had to be the in between relaying what was being said to me. My audiologist bluntly said my 20% rating must be a joke.

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I wish they use qi wireless charging system… then i can use my mat qi charging to charge my hearing aid…


And that is why I am pushing hard to get ITE aids. And the fact it is in my records that I need two sets of equally set up aids. Because I can’t communicate with out aids.

@danhuddleston: You’re exactly correct: I backed down even further from my normal “pushover” self, and look where it got me!

Seriously, my audi was so much more competent than my previous hack that I just demurred … I shouldn’t have. I’m usually not known for having a compliant nature, but you probably wouldn’t have picked up on that.

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Well my audiologist saw a different side of me at this last appointment. I was frustrated with feeling I couldn’t stream the TV as much as I needed too. I even explained that I had in the past said I didn’t need the Adapter just not to complain. I was also upset with Oticon screwing up firmware 1.4.0 and caused issues with IOS16 after Apple fixing issues that was an issue in IOS15 with firmware 1.3.0.
I also said that while I feel as of now that More1 aids are as good as it gets for me that I really prefer ITE aids and if Oticon truly has take the More technology to the OWN1 aids I wanted to try them.
I believe I will get them but it isn’t a given.
I was asked to research the other brands for possible alternatives and email him my thoughts. This morning I did my feeling is that there isn’t anything out there ITE that would even interest me.

@cvkemp: I really like my Mores, as you know. I’d be happy to have More2s with the disposable battries, but Oticon was too interested in forcing me into rechargeable. If they knew that disposable batteries would be available in just a few months while they were busy hard selling me on rechargeables, I think they should have advised me or allowed me to exchange my rechargeable ones for what I asked for in the first place.


My issue is that I normally don’t want to stream the TV until after 6:30 pm by then I have already logged 10 to13 hours of wearing my aids. The More1 aids are already to the point that when streaming the TV they will not stay connected to the iPhone. At least my OPNS1 aids aren’t suffering that issue.


Utter nonsense. You are obviously an intelligent person, so I’m puzzled why this nonsense gets by your defenses.

Production of any sort of durable good involves mining of raw materials. Lithium is no worse than any other element. There is no net detriment here. And think of all the environmental degradation that doesn’t happen from all the fossil fuels being burned throughout the life of the vehicle. There are countless studies that confirm that EVs have a smaller lifetime carbon footprint than ICEVs. It’s settled, except in the minds of those who flatly refuse to recognize reality.

If there is a graveyard of dead EVs somewhere in Paris, it is because no one has gotten around to recycling them. ALL of those batteries (and the rest of the cars too) have value, and they can all be recycled. There are plenty of recycling plants all over the globe waiting for those metals and batteries and other electronics for recycling, because there is a demand for the elements. What is definitely NOT happening is EVs rotting in Paris because they’re too toxic to deal with. Holy Shamoley - where does this stuff come from?

There is a carbon footprint from producing bags of disposable HA batteries too. There is a carbon footprint for just about everything humans do. We need to choose wisely. If rechargeables don’t fit your needs, then it makes perfect sense to use disposables. No one is trying to guilt anyone into doing anything that’s not right for them. Do what works for you. If you can help out the environment too, then double win.

The sense I get from these discussions is that rechargeables are gaining, but not quite capable of handling the needs for all users. Yet the HA companies are leaning in the direction of rechargeables that are not quite ready for prime time, and choices are narrowing.

Seems to me that’s a good reason to have a frank discussion with your audi and let them know when your needs aren’t being met. As I understand it, the audis are the real customers of the HA companies. We need to get them to squawk at the manufacturers.