Tips on hearing aid fitting

Thought this did a nice job summarizing initial considerations in fitting a hearing aid.


I have found this brochure from 2022. Maybe I’ll find newer.


I believe the way my audiologist at the VA has fitted me and workec with me this last 6 years is the very best possible. First off he listens, then he test my hearing, then we talk about the possibilities, of course there is the REM, signal in noise or speech in noise if you prefer, then comes the fitting. I am at the point that my fitting is transferred from one set of aids to the new set then the process of integration of the new capabilities of the new aids. This is why I totally believe the audiologist is by far the most important part of the hearing package.


This is an extremely important post for me.

“It is the best of times. It is the worst of times”
Summarizes my experiences receiving 3 pair of hearing aids from Ontario Workman’s Compensation.


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Great posts, thank you @MDB and @Bimodal_user for these nice helpfull links in your posts.


You’re welcome. Glad you’ll get benefit from it.

About fitting - does anyone know if Data Logging in Phonak HAs registers the kick in feedback suppression? @Neville? @MDB?

I have a new cShell from Phonak with AOV since May 2024. I have asked my audi to slightly overtune the feedback threshold in the 1-3k range to achieve target gains and I am not sure if feedback suppression (aka WhistleBlock) was often engaged.

The good news is that I haven’t noticed any excessive battery drain which should be an issue if WhistleBlock would be triggered frequently. I have 5-6% per hour, mostly 5.5% after 3.5 years of using my rechargeable HA (Phonak Paradise 90-RT).
I haven’t observed any problems with increased power consumption, even after turning on the excellent “stay in touch” feature in the myPhonak app.


No. That would be a nice feature.






I have no use for the fitness stuff in HAs. I already have two other devices trying to do that. Data that would help HCPs give better care to patients? “I’m all ears!” :wink:



I don’t remember now which aids it was but early on in my hearing aids journey I remember my VA audiologist looking at my aids with them plugged into the computer and looking at the time my aids spend in different settings. Then the audiologist made some adjustments to my aids to help them function better according to what the data logs had said.

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Yes, we get that. Data on how much time you spend in different types of sound environments, sometimes data on how you’re adjusting the volume so that we can say, “okay, every time they are in the speech in noise subprogram they turn it up, I’ll just turn it up.”

But no data on how often the feedback manager is working hard. Although for some people it would just be always.