Time to suck it up and get hearing aids

Had a hearing evaluation yesterday and it’s the first time the middle frequencies dropped below 20-25db. Higher frequencies have been mild to moderate for a few years but now the lower frequencies are starting to drop too. Audiologist said I should seriously consider hearing aids at this point. I’m researching online for best style and manufacture but it is mind boggling trying to come up with the right one. I do favor the in the ear style made by Signia called Charge and Go AX.
Does anyone have any experience with them or similar types?

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That is how mine started before it went very steep. Hopefully someone can help you with what hearing aids will be best for you. You have good low frequency hearing so perhaps a RIC would be more suitable?


Personally, I would never buy (unknown) hearing devices only-online. If you have a Costco within striking distance, search no further. You can’t go wrong there, and with free followup.


Costco has brands that cost about $1500 that are essentially the same as those sold at private audis for 3 to 4 times more. Their HAs are made by the same companies as those sold for more, using the same technology. Costco has superior warranty and return policies that a private practice audi could not afford to offer. Costco offers in person service. Some Costco technicians are more skilled than others, but you can always request to see another one at the same store, or go to a different store. For me, Costco is much more convenient than going to a private practice audiologist. Unless there is no nearby Costco for you, this should be an easy choice. If there is no nearby Costco, Costco sells OTC HAs online at Costco.com. This purchase alone will pay for membership and you can continue to save by buying what Costco sells online. They may not always sell the most premium products, but they always sell good stuff at a significant discount with incomparable return policies. They are a very low margin, limited product offering, high volume seller. I much prefer Costco over Amazon.

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Costco works for the average person. Unless you need more advanced help. They use best practices and REM. Their $1600 hearing aids work really well and come with all of the consumables that you would otherwise be responsible. Plus, most stores have actual audiologist on staff.


What did your audiologist recommend you get? It’s at least a good starting point.

You might want to consider the Sony cre-e10 OTC aid which is a fully fledged in the ear Signia aid but without any hands on audiological support.

It is compatible with your level of loss and you could save a few thousand dollars.