Thinking about purchasing Costco Philips 9040 to backup my Oticon Reals

I finally got around to tinkering with connecting the 9040’s to my Real TV adapter and Real Connect clip. I can not get them to connect. I’m not sure if they have to be set up in the Hearlink software first. My Audi says they should work, which apparently doesn’t mean they will. I’m also not seeing the TV adapter setting on the Philips Hearlink app like I do on the Oticon Companion app. I’m not going to rule it out but hopefully, although not a deal breaker, I can find a way to connect them.

Since you’re using the term “connect” rather than the Bluetooth term “pair” – have you tried to pair the 9040s to the Oticon TV adapter or Connect clip? That is, to turn the HAs off then on, and put them on top of the powered TV adapter.

1:37 instructional video

Yep, I have 2 adapters and tried to pair them both to the 9040’s. No dice. Any idea if they have to be set up on the Hearlink software first? I just poked around in the HearSuite software and added a stock automotive program based on the G1 program. While in the software I checked out the setting for TV adapter and didn’t find anything that would toggle them on or off. I might be leaning towards a no go for connectivity to the Philips for the Oticon adapters.

Thanks for posting about this. I have Oticon Mores and really wanted a smart travel charger. The Oticon one is CAD$460 where I got my HA’s. $460 for a frigging charger!!??? Costco charge CAD$259 for the 9040 travel charger which based on your reports I am pretty certain will work. I tried my aids in their demo (Standard) charger and the aids are a bit looser but went into charge mode fine. I have ordered one (Don’t need to have Philips 9040 HA to get one) and have 6 months if I want to return it.

Yep, both my Reals and Philips were at 100% charged this morning when I crossed charged them overnight. Philips fit without a problem in the Oticon Travel charger and Reals no problem in the Philips desktop charger.

But Phillips is not Oticon, there’s firmware difference for a start that wouldn’t be helpful, but hasn’t this already been established, that you cannot interchange them, somewhere on this forum? (The tv link and connect clip)

Some things are compatible. I’m using my Oticon Power Molds in the 9040’s and using the both chargers without issues.
I’ve not read about the TV adapter interchangeable or not, though that could very well be a compatibility issue in that department. I’m leaning towards not compatible myself. I’m going to bring my Real connect clip to my next Costco appointment see if they can do something.

I don’t recall reading about incompatibility between the Oticon and the Philips TV Adapter because maybe nobody has tried it out yet until now, but I remember somebody reporting incompatibility between the Oticon and the Philips ConnectClip/AudioClip when they tried it out.

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Ahh yeah that’s what I was referring too, well we’ll know soon enough.

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I can’t imagine why/how the Hearlink [2] app would have anything to do with TV adapter pairing.

M’self, I think your experiment is decisive; a disappointing result, but thanks for the report.

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It’s a minor set back but the positive is I think the 9040’s is a winner for the cost. The Hearsuite appears to be very good with plenty of fitting options for your aids and accessories. If you are going to self fit there’s a excellent list of program options you can choose from based on your Audi’s initial settings on P1.
My music, speech in noise, and automotive program are the 3 additional programs I am using and are easy enough to change and experiment with along with a few others in some different environments. Getting the P1 set up properly will be the Key.

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I read that you need the audio clip to connect the 9040’s to a PC. Is that true? If your PC has Bluetooth can’t the HA’s connect in the normal fashion?

Only if the PC has ASHA support, and I haven’t heard of any PC that has ASHA support yet. Only a number of new Android phones have this now.

I just picked up my 9040’s today and I can confirm that they will NOT connect to my Oticon TV streamers or the Connect Clip.


Thanks for that update, will be helpful for others.

So we’ve confirmed that Philips aids will not work with Oticon TVA3 or ConnectClip. Has anyone tried the reverse - using Oticon aids with Philips TVA3 or AudioClip?

Anyone in Europe want to try an EU complaint about this? It seems this is both anti-competitive (people are more locked in due the cost of switching) and wasteful as people have to rebuy what is essentially the same accessories but for a software lock. These should at least work with the cross-spectrum of brands from the same parent company. EU should force an unlock via firmware updates. It’s also bad for HOH people as say a friend comes over for movie night and one wears Philips and one Oticon, same for spouses, and so on. Users need to push back as the hardware is overpriced to begin with.

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How many hearing aids can be paired to the TVA3? Did you try resetting the Oticon TVA3 entirely so no aids are paired and then pairing your 9040s? Probably won’t work, but could be worth confirming.

Hi @Markem
I’m about to change my Jabras for the Philips at Costco as the jabras constant reverberation is horrible. I’ve tried having them adjusted 3 times and no winning hence my decision to try the Philips. I’m keen to hear how you went with your trial of the Philips and if you decided to keep them? I’m feeling disappointed with my journey to new HAs after using Phonak for the previous 7 years. Have tried the Specsavers Advance Signia version and now the Costco Jabras. Really hoping the Philips are good otherwise I may end up spending far too much $$$ on a new pair of Phonaks. Thanks

Good morning.
Yes to answer your question, I still have the Philips 9040’s. My daily drivers are the Oticon Real 1.
The Philips were purchased as a back up pair to the Oticons since I travel a lot I needed to have a second pair with me. Sound wise is very similar in both but I’ll give the edge to the Oticons in noisy settings.
Having said that, the arrival of the Philips 9050’s are just around the corner here in Canada. Since I am within my 180 days of purchasing the 9040 I will be returning them and repurchasing the 9050 for the upgraded tech.
In your case it doesn’t hurt to trial the Philips 9050, I think you will find the sound much more natural than the Phonaks. In comparison to the Jabra, I have no input I can give you for comparison. I did not trial them.

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Interesting Markem.

Another Canadian here. I’m still getting mine setup after over 2 years of use. Phonak. Paradise P90R’s. I’ve read good things about Lumity model HA. Your Oticon Real 1 sound interesting to me. Noisy settings.
Words in noise seems to be the universal complaint when I talk to others. Saying that–I think the manufacturer’s need to show more loyalty for users, and solve this problem. Maybe AI can do it.
Vounteering again to be in a focus group. And happy to try your best hearing aids. Let’s gain ground and help users hear.