Thinking about purchasing Costco Philips 9040 to backup my Oticon Reals

May I ask: do you know of an actual likely date for the 9050s being available, or are you just being optimistic that it’s very soon?

I’m in Australia, also still in my 180 days, and hoping that Costco will try to align supply in most countries at the same time.

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I was in my nearest Costco one week past, enquired about the 9050’s, no sign as yet. Only 90 day trial period here in UK.


Everybody (including my audiologist/department manager at Costco) says they get an email a day in advance. I’d love to get some confirmation from someone that they’re actually coming. Right now, it’s just an assumption that everyone’s making. I’m in the same boat as you. My 180 days is running out fast though.

Yeah I got told the exact same thing today.

From Costco; $240

[Filler characters for no good reason.]

It seems to me discussions of HA as being made by same manufacturer is like comparing Cadillac, Chevrolet, Buick as being built by the same company, General Motors. Or saying Toyota and Lexus’s are the same because they are made by the same company.

More like comparing physically identical Teslas with different technology levels I would have thought.

Na not like that, you’ve comparing apples to oranges, you need to do a little more research before making a comment like this (all tho Toyota and Lexus do share engine/transmission, just in different configurations) it’s what’s ticking inside that makes them the same or similar, so hardware and software.

I actually worked on an assembly line building Cadillacs in the late 70’s. When we ran out of common parts - I installed door handles - they sent a truck to the Buick or Pontiac plant to pick up the needed stock.

From a hardware perspective, manufacturers like to keep common components as less variables lead to better financial outcomes. As a manufacturer if you only have to negotiate purchases with one vendor versus two or three you use that economy of scale to bargain for a lower price

Hi, could you explain further please. When do you hear this? At beginning of words, or during, or not from words at all. I have the same aids and am getting a strange sound at the beginning of some words but mine sounds like metal clicking, slight but constant if listening to the radio or streaming vids and calls. Like a double or triple click sound and then the word. I reduced the highs and it goes away but then comprehension suffers. Tnx