Target 7.1 Help -- Error -- 'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation'

I can’t see why not, I don’t use Costco so can’t confirm.

Glad to know the problem is sorted.
I’m waiting for my Noaklink Wireless to be delivered. However I’m a bit concerned that my audiologist will know that I have connected my HAs to Target because the time stamp on the HAs will have changed. I’m not sure what his reaction will be.

I think the audi won’t see it if you never save back to the HA when exiting Target.
I once read something to the contrary somewhere in the forum, but couldn’t find it anymore.
Now I have tried the following: created a new test customer. Connected under that customer, reprogrammed something, then exited without saving to the HA.
When reconnecting under my normal customer data, nothing out of the ordinary was displayed, also the statistics were not deleted.

I’d recommend being proactive and tell her directly, before she asks you what’s going on with your aids all the time.

Like ‘I want to have deeper understanding, more control, and spare you and myself the appointments for trivial things like changing amount of noise cancelling in quiet program’.
So focus on not wanting to come endlessly for tiny changes, but promise to keep her in the loop.

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Good to see you back.

Yes, it is better to be honest in life!
And KeithL, I am sure that sooner or later you will want to change and save the settings yourself.

Could someone give me a link for Phonak Target 7 version or newer? Thank you, my computer crasht