Target 10 is available

Target 10 is up and available


Thank you for the valuable information. Do you know what is new?

It has the new Phonak aids, otherwise it looks pretty much the same but I have not hah an opportunity to work with it yet.

I’m not seeing the option to update from Target 9.1.1

Is there a trick?

Regards, Mike.

go into Setup → and change Language to English / country to USA.
Then restart Target.

If this does not help, deinstall Target and install fresh , during install choose country USA.
The new Phonak Infinio lineup is momentarily only available in USA.

Thank you.

I’ll give it a go later tonight - looks like the UK is a bit behind, no change there :wink:

Regards, Mike.

does anyone have the download link for this? Greatly appreciated, if so!

Here is one of the new things coming in Target 10:

Acoustic coupling recommendations

Phonak Target 10.0 shows recommendations for domes. See Figure 2 for an example. This is not new but the recommendations you have seen in the past may be different now. This is because Phonak Target 10.0 uses a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) dome proposer based on learnings from thousands of successful fittings.

Here is Phonak’s overview of what is included in Target 10.0

Adaptive Phonak Digital 2.0 and Adaptive Phonak Digital Contrast 2.0 have been updated to 3.0. The changes are

Adaptive Phonak Digital 3.0
APD 3.0 is the processing algorithm in Phonak Lumity hearing aids that was designed to balance their audibility, loudness and sound quality.

APD 3.0 updates
Decrease 2 dB in the highs and increase 3 dB in the mids

I have been using APD 2.0 and would like to try APD 3.0 but it’s not showing in Target menu.

Could a firmware update to the Lumity be forthcoming?

APD 3.0 /APD 3.0 contrast is only available for the new Infinio-line of hearing aids.

Then the Phonak website must be incorrect, as what I posted was copied and pasted from their web.

I thought that ADP 3.0 is only for the Infinio with new Era chipset , but i could be wrong.

Target 10 gives you the option of ADP 3 for the Infinio but only ADP2 for the Lumity. I have no idea if that will change with a future firmware update for the Lumity but I would guess it is geared to the new chip so probably not.

Just finished connecting my Naida Lumity to Target 10. Were not able to access/activate APD3.0 with the Lumity. Latest firmware is installed. Seems that the Phonak website has wrong information.

Must be a new firmware coming, they wouldn’t make the claim otherwise, possible only certain Lumity models will get it?

where can i download the software? is it free?

Welcome to the forum, please read your PM.

Bought a set of Spheres today and I’m also looking for 10… Or how to get to 10. Please and thank you!

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough but do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, and don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY projects.
You could also post a review as no one has yet done.

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Post your request in the DIY section of the forum. Or send a pm to @Tenkan on the forum. Sorry, I do not have a link for software. (In response to your PM)