Super Soft Silicone Molds

I’ve been wearing soft silicone skeleton molds for a couple of years. Some days they’re comfortable, other days not. Location of discomfort varies, and never any visible irritation. Maybe my cartilage is sensitive. Given all that, and absence of feedback, I figured it’s me, not the molds, and redoing them is unlikely to help. But I got especially annoyed one day and decided to do something. Asked my audiologist what material they’re made of, and she said M2000 as in the chart below. She suggested trying the softer M25. Got them made using the same impression, and I’ve had them since Friday.

So far I’d say they’re definitely more comfortable, though time will tell. One difference I’m pretty sure about. These molds come with a thin little handle for pulling them out. On the previous ones and their predecessor pair, the pull handle broke off the very first time I tried to use it, because it’s pretty fragile and it took some force to get them out. But I can pull these super-soft molds out using the pull handle, probably because they flex enough to easily get past some constriction. I hated pulling the old ones out.

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That is very interesting to note that material MATTERS. I think that’s my prob: I seem to be allergic to all but the boring double-domes in silicone. I was just surfing a post on this topic that mentioned Westone custom molds. I jotted down their phone number and will call to ask about materials used for someone like me - highly allergic to molds and ears that swell up and down during the day.

Keep us posted on your sensitivity to the new molds … I agree that a handle seems infinitely more practical than the pathetic little “thread” that’s supposed to haul most of these custom molds out of one’s ear. Like a tiny Fiat towing a MOBILE HOME. Tow bar’s gonna break from stress alone.

Actually “thread” is a better word to describe it. It may yet break, but these molds are still much easier to remove.

Stupid question: Can you not get molds made out of the same silicone used for domes?

That is probably the $1 million question here! These double domes are thin as a crepe, and I love how the double domes attempt to fill up my ear canal to prevent feedback. But with my level of loss, I seriously need an XMAS tree dome with maybe 3-4 skirts on it to really plug up all gaps in my ear canals.

That is why I daydream about a solid custom mold to get the job done, but then I’ve always had allergic reactions to the material they’re made from.

Maybe if I got on the phone with Westone’s Cust Suppt I could ask if they make molds from the same type silicone in these double domes.

Microsonic has two materials supposedly for the very allergic. Hard, though.

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That rose-tinted one looks like the 2nd hard acrylic mold that gave me otitis. I am a MARTIAN. I come in peace, and get burning, itching ears on Planet Earth.

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