How do you store your processor(s) overnight?
For years, I’ve been using an older screw top container with a dryer disc. I’m finally admitting this might not be the best choice (blush). Coils get all tangled, magnets stick to one another, etc. Time for a more sensible solution.
Which processors do you have?
Put them in small socks before putting them in the jar?
I love it!! And a tiny nightcap on each magnet.
I have 2 N7 processors (Cochlear)
@user699 werent you given a breeze dry box?
I was given one when I got my N7 & N8. But I live in Australia and Cochlear Australia may follow s different style of dry box to the rest of the world and Cochlear America.
The batteries always went on the charger and the processors go in the dryer. My dryer has two compartments.
The box or jar you have is fine. Maybe just buy another to keep the processors separate.
I also got a dryer at activation with all the other Cochlear package.
I also received the dehumidifier included in the kit with my sound processors (larger Breeze Dry&Store).
I must emphasize that it’s better if the rechargeable battery is detached from the main processing unit and does not put that battery in the heating dehumidifier (the same goes for disposable batteries, but not the bucket where they are put).).
In general, batteries tolerate poorly higher temperatures and this may short they lifetime.