I just got an iPhone 12 pro with IOS 14.1. When I use email and text I am frequently getting a very loud static in my starkey hearing aids. There wasn’t a problem with the old phone. Anyone else having this issue?
I have the Signia Charge N Go 3X and am having the same issue with my new iPhone 12 Pro. It seems to me that it is an issue with the app or video/audio feedback that is messing up. If you kill the app you are in when that occurs, it should get rid of the static. It’s annoying but that seems to work for me.
Thanks for your note. I spent over two hours on the phone yesterday starting with Verizon and ending up with the accessibility specialist at Apple. They have formally opened up a case for Apple engineering. At least now, your comments lead me to believe it is a bug with the 12 pro and not my hearing aids…Now all they have to do is fix it. I will post new developments as they occur
Awesome! I have heard rumors that there is a new iOS 14 update coming any time now. Hopefully this fixes the bug!
I have the new iPhone 12 & also have experienced the white noise static. It seems to come when the iPhone goes into stream mode when listening to media or system sounds…ie text alert, email swoosh. I have the “play system sounds” on…settings-accessibility-hearing devices
I have the Starkey Livio 2400. I called Starkey Support today & they informed me that they are aware of the issue & are working to resolve.
I’m so pleased I was able to find this group. I am in UK and have also purchased the iPhone 12 Pro and have been encountering the static sounds in my Specsavers Advance hearing aids (I think they are Signia NX’s). Have been onto Apple Support via chat and they say they haven’t any reported issues. Guess it depends on what resources ythey are able to access. I am going to send them a link to this chat, so that they stop send me off on wild goose chases.
Looking forward to a resolution to this issue.
I have a formal case opened with apple on this issue. The Apple case number is 101220515363
This is a classic example of why buying new technology just as it is introduced is not the most brilliant thing to do.
I’ve spent a few hours on the phone with Apple support over this issue. They now have a connection to my phone to download the blue tooth logs. I documented the apps that I’ve had problems with and the time of the problem so engineering can investigate the logs. Hopefully this will give them enough information to get a fix. As of today, Nov 3 they don’t have a fix.
@garyfco Thanks for spending so much time with Apple on this. I’m sure it was the key.
(put this text in both threads)
I just waited on hold for almost two hours to get a technical support specialist. She said they just pushed out iOS 14.2 which they hope resolves 95% of the issues with hearing aids with both MFi and standard Bluetooth. After downloading and installing it looks like it fixed it for me (Phonak Paradise P90R with iPhone 12 Pro). It removed the bluetooth connections and I reinstalled the entire app just to start from scratch.
There’s a little static here and there but nothing significant. I’m curious what others find.
Apple support called me today and recommended 14.2 I’m loading it now and will report if it solves the problem.
I have updated to iOS 14.2 and have my Signia Charge N Go 3x doing the same static noise issue. COME ON TIM APPLE FIX THIS!
After the upgrade to 14.2 I still have the problem. I updated apple support
Well, I thought it worked yesterday and now it’s static again on some calls but not all calls. Calling Apple Support with my case.
I had the same problem with Signia and iPhone 12. Loud white noise at random. Showed up on streaming, phone calls, and when Siri was activated. Very aggravating. Just took my 12 back to Verizon and got a refund. Luckily had an old iPhone 6S Plus so I had them set that up for me. May be my last iPhone.
I had to replace my iPhone X, my hearing aids worked perfectly on it. I bought an iPhone 11 temporarily while I waited for the iPhone 12 Pro, my hearing aids worked perfectly on it with ios14.1. I received the iPhone 12 Pro and I had immediate problems with white noise crackling with everything, emails, Facebook, Gumtree, YouTube, BART emergency services app, messenger. I have installed iOS 14.2 and there is no difference. I will be hard to convince that it is software that is the problem. I reckon it’s hardware and will require a repair or replacement.
To all,
Just got off the phone with Apple. They are “working on” the problem, however, I recommend calling them at support to establish as many cases as possible.
At least they know it exists. The rep says we are not the only ones for sure!
I have sent in a bluetooth log to Apple support…second one. The first was with 14.1 and now with 14.2. Phone is a 12pro and starkey hearing aids.
The update is available!
Update is available.