Spot the mistake! Phonak Titanium C-Shell

Here is one of my new premium rather expensive “£96 plus VAT per aid” titanium hearing aid moulds but something is wrong! Who can spot the mistake? Here’s a clue, this is for my right ear!

It looks to me as though the right device is fitted with a LH ear mould.

[… but what do I know? PM me for the shipping address for my prize!]

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Spud, you’re nearly on the money but not correct, no prize for you lol

:sleepy: …ooo I still think the mould looks askew, somehow.


Take a look at this photo…

The clever people at Phonak have created the left and right side moulds, but the wiring is formed for the left on each side so now one has to go back and be redone! What a nightmare :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

@TerryUK: That’s EXACTLY what I meant to say in my first answer! Now do I get the PRIZE?

(I have difficulty with words, sometimes, because I’m DEAF, okay?)


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Sorry pal, nothing for you I’m afraid :rofl: The prize money stays in my pocket :wave:

What a bummer! :four_leaf_clover:Happy Saint Patrick’s Day :four_leaf_clover:, anyway!

[Have a Guiness on me, with my forfeit money!🥸👎🏻]

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A lovely bit of humor on St Patrick’s day. Lol

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I think Phonak must have employed an Irish guy to create my moulds lol :shamrock:

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Does the rectangular black “plug” where the receiver wire enters the mold imply that the receivers can be changed? I use acrylic molds and if a receiver fails we cannot replace it locally.

I think that once the receiver is in the titanium mould it’s bonded in. I think the only way to change it is to send it back to Phonak.

My mould has been sent back because the wire was set in the wrong direction once I get it back I’m expecting that the actual shell will be the same.

Spud…Terrys ears are worse than yours…Deaf card is rejected…lol!!!

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Lol, what’s going on here then!.. :ear:

That wire has been warmed and twisted, it just needs to be unwound a bit over a hairdryer heat.

Yeah I know but I wasn’t going to fiddle with it at that price so it’s been sent back to Phonak for them to sort out.

Terry, I am very interested to know how these work out for you once you get them back. I have been having irritation from my domes and am considering various options for customs… I had acrylic two HAs ago, but these look quite promising…

Greg the titanium c shell although expensive are REALLY comfortable, very small and strong. I was surprised at how good they are. Unlike acrylic or domes the titanium blends to body temperature almost instantly so are worth every penny!

I used the rubber domes and found them sweaty and itchy. Applying a small amount of olive oil helped but still not great.

Titanium is the way to go :+1: