Sphere Programs

I see Music and TV modes to select, can anyone tell me whats different about those?
I dont really hear any difference in either while listening to Music or TV over Calm Situation no noise.

Autosense has never even auto selected music when I’m sitting in my car with a 5k$ audiophile sound setup

You need to talk to your audiologist. I had mine set up music so that the compression was minimized and he did a few other things (frequency shifting?). I was watching a movie last night and had my I90’s in auto. I have a surround sound and when there was a music scene myPhonak switched to the music setting. I was delighted to see the switch.

Your HCP can give you the print outs of those two. They are visible in the fitting software. And if you didn’t do the fitting yourself he/ she could have made some finetuning also, so they can differ from the standard setup.

I’ve got target here now, awaiting noahlink

The differences in most Autosense elements are in their respective programme options. For example, calm situation and music have very similar gain structures, but calm situation has some noise reduction elements set quite high. I like the music programme, as it has most noise reduction elements flat. Strangely though, I don’t find it good for Music

funny, as I had to change calm situation, as get a horrible hiss in any fans are around.

Had adjust noise reduction to its max

Music doesnt even show noise reduction…

Yes and yes. I did the opposite to you and removed all noise reduction in calm situation. If something makes a noise, I want to hear it. I find the noise reduction measures dangerous, especially in traffic, and leaving taps running. With music, I’ve boosted the bass frequencies, as they’re really low. I just use 3 manually switching additional programmes. It works for me. If I got Sphere, that would be one of the 3.

for me, that hissing drove me nutz, even in a quiet room, no fans, there’d be hiss

I wouldn’t want hiss, if it’s none existant, my Tinnitus is bad enough :slight_smile:

Floor noise, from the circuits can cause that.

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I don’t know if this fan are loud (something above roughly 55-65 dB) - then noise reduction works.

When they are quietly (~40 dB) annoyingly humming, then Soft Noise Reduction may be useful. See also “Expansion” video in DrCliff’s YouTube channel.

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As is an outcome in this interesting discussion about the cause it seems valuable to see your audiogram show up in your personal profile. Could you add it please.

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I’ve gotta go find it, not even sure where it is…

@jeffpa and if you want to look a bit deeper to the outcomes of your music and TV settings maybe have a look on your Phonak fitting programs over here, so you’ll get some more information for the tweaking

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@emile.heilbron, I didn’t know about that printing feature, thank you! I think I know where it is. And I see that your Spheric Speech in Loud Noise is set to “Moderate”.

Don’t pay to much attention to the settings here, as I was just looking for a print to show what I sometimes use for comparesing adjustments.

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Here’s my audiogram but I’m unable to figure out how to add it to my profile even after searching

I also had a problem finding a way to add audiograms when I was a new user.

On the top of the page, click “FORUM,” then “My hearing tests.”

I did that, but theres nothing on that page about adding my hearing test to my profile, much less add to anything

Its just a sales/marketing page.