Speach understanding issues with Phonak Audeo's

I recently replaced my old Phonak units with the 2023 Audeo-L90. I am not happy, in particular with the speach understanding. I find myself continuously asking people to repeat themselves, and not in noisy places. I wonder if it is a matter of better settings or if there are other better brands today in the marketplace. I paid a lot for this new pair and I am tempted to return them, stick with my old ones until something comes out that works better…

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Much depends on you level of loss @jbendiner… And in the absence of an Audiogram, any advice would be given blind! It could be a number of things, if these are RIC’s, it could be the wax guards are clogged, or receiver’s are malfunctioning? You would have to be more specific, how long you have had these aids, when did the problem first start, your hearing could be declining? Please consult your Audiologist asap, you may very well need adjustments, or there could be something else at play? Your A.uD should be able to sort you out, in no time… Good Luck, cheers Kev :wink:

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To add your audiogram, click on FORUM at the very top of a web page, then My Hearing Tests. Your hearing care provider should provide you with the full results of any hearing test upon request.

Could you clarify;

Is your issue, comprehension, worse with the L90’s than your previous aids (which)? Has anything else changed such as coupling, domes etc.

What did your new audiogram show, compared to your last

I would add that it is the “comprehension” aspect of hearing loss that is the most difficult to mitigate, and often an unmeasurable decline that is part and parcel of hearing loss. I’m in the same boat!

I was quite fortunate @nsjmgm, my audiogram had not altered much, from the previous one…My hearing test, for the Naida Lumity 90 UP BTE’s was very extensive, probably double the time I would normally expect for a test! My Audiologist had asked me to do a comparison assessment over 2 weeks, but this ended up being extended to approximately 6 weeks, between Naida Paradise 90 UP BTE’s, I did a lengthy review, so Boots gave 30% off the price, I ended up paying £2.1k, around a £900 saving to me! I also did a lengthy review on here;

It’s quite lengthy, and a long read, but perhaps worth the read? Basically, my word comprehension improved with the Naida Lumity UP’s, but I am ever hopeful that Phonak will bring out a Nadia Sphere UP, in approximately a year or so down the line? My Naida Lumity’s have never been adjusted from their first fitting, no alterations have been necessary! Cheers Kev : grin: