Signia fitting program

i just got the noah ling wireless programmer and i’m in the signia fitting program. i have not yet made many adjustments. i got as far as fitting and personalization and i moved the siders for 0-.125- .375- .625- and 1.5 khz up 3 point. this software is a bit different than phonak so it is going to be a bit of a learning curve. but what i would like to do is move the sound recover, that is what it is called in phonak but i do not see it here. i know it can be done as i seen the audi do it and she called it some other name.

these aids are a bit to high as when i hear sounds from the tv the words start and then i hear buzzing so i’m thinking if i move sound recover down that will go away, it did for the target program. but i tried to grab the lines like i can do in target and slide them to the left and nothing happens. so can someone guide me thru that.

also i got a gn programmer and did a firmware update and it is working for the signia aids. i do nto know if it will work for the phonak aids they now use the cube2 programmer so they may not like the noah programmer. maybe someone can tell me if the phonak aids will work with the noah wireless programmer?

so where might i go in the signia program to move the sound recover? i’m going to play with this for a bit and save it and then when i got back to the audi i may put her program back in these and tell her i did some programming and she may want to leave it or delete it. but i have jotted down the changes just in case. some audi get uptight when you mess with there program. i had one that did so i quit seeing here.

Which Phonak hearing aid model?

No unfortunately Noahlink wireless won’t work.

It’s in fune tuning, click on frequency compression.

Also check out the user guides for Connexx, the video guides are very helpful.

thanks but how do i move it? in target i just grabbed the lines and slid them sideways. i see i can grab the hearing lines and move them up and down but not the frequency vertical lines.

i found it i did not see the next section you put in the reply i moved the 3k down to 2k and i din notice the sound changed as i figured it would. thanks

when i get that figured out i will do my own voice issue. i did some already and it helps. i went to the own voice section and did the class and talked and the program set it to medium. i had it at max so it changed that.

i went to gn/sonnic and asked them it the gn tv streamer could be reprogrammed for the signia aids. they came back and told me no. so i told him that is funny because i have the airlink 2 now settin on my desk and connected to the signia aids and doing some reprogramming to them he did not replay back.

so maybe someone here know if the gn tv streamer might work for the signia aids and if that streamer can be reprogrammed for the signia aids? and where to get the firmware to do that. thanks

this is my frequency compression now after i changed it but i still get that pinching in my ears from the tv sounds. so i may ghave to change out another setting or move the right side left or right.

plus my own voice is a bit hollow sounding but i have not changed any setting for that yet. one setting at a time

Accessories are not compatible between manufacturers.

GN ReSound’s Airlink2/Noahlink Wireless is a special case. I am guessing that it was designed to morph into the industry standard Noahlink Wireless hearing aid programming device.

thanks i was wondering if it might work. by the way the gr-resound people told me today that the gn resound airlink 2 programmer will not program the signia hearing aids. and that there is no firmware update to make it work,. but i have one setting on the desk now and i just did a bit of tweaks on my aids. he said it will not work. so i do not quite know what to say about that.

i do not want to do a lot of reprogramming on my aids until i’m done with the audi just in case she gets a little out of joint because i’m changing things. so next month i will be going at it strong. thanks

Ha, it’s surprising how many professionals don’t know their own products, well you know better ; )
But of course NW won’t program ALL of Signia range, all the latest yes, but a lot of older stuff no.

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OK this morning i did a complete reprogramming on the signia. i entered the audiogram and then did the feedback and then did the insituation and the audio gram changed. as the aids did the tones. i set the mcl from my phonak program and that over laped a bit. signia id not seem to have tones for ucl but it show ucl in that insit i did not go over those settings.
anyway i set the fitting formula to nal-nl2 they had it set to axfit so i may have to go back to that formula. i did the own voice and stopped for now i let it recalculate and the sounds changed lots. i do not have the pinching in my ears yet. i set the auto acclamation to 70% so they have a chance to self adjust if these do that? the phonak seemed to change some during that time frame. they had the sound recover at let side 2k and right side at 5k i put it the left at 2.5k and the right to 8k like i had the phonal set at, now to see if that helps. i will tell the audi that i changed her program and if she want to put it back no problem i will be able to just reset it when i get home.

or do you guys think i should put the old program back in then when i visit next week and let her do her thing and then put it back when i get home? so as not to piss her off for future visits? she knows i’m going to get a programmer and that i programmed my phonak’s. but she did not want to glean the phonak program so she could see how i did it? thanks

oh that gn tech or salesman or what ever got back to me and told me point blank that the gn/resound programmer can not be reprogramed to fit the signia aids. by the way my phonak program found that programmer but would not see the phonak’s they must be to old for this technology. thanks

Noteworthy is that your Audiologist will always know when someone has saved ANY settings to the hearing aids . Why? The match/mismatch comparison is not based on the actual settings. It is based on a comparison of the HA-DateTimestamp versus the database-DateTimestamp. When/if you return to your Audiologist, then your Audi will get the same settings mismatch warning. The warning will occur even if you revert back to the Original Professional Settings. There is no way around it except to never save settings to the HAs, which defeats the purpose of self fitting. Here’s a Discussion Link.

thanks she knows i’m getting a programmer so i will just send her an email and ask if she want me to come back for any touchup. i my guess is she will say no unless i run into issues. i know about the stamp and the mismatch because in the target it always came up and told me the setting were different than the last time i was in the program. but thanks for the insight.

say where do i go to set up email alerts to replies to my posts? i thought i set up notifications but i do not get email alerts i have to stop beck here to see the check mark by my avitar

windows settings system notifications

If you save your session changes to both the hearing aids and the database then the mismatch warnings will cease.

thanks i have those turned off because i get hammered with notices all day long. i was hoping this site have one that emailed. si i will leave the tab open and keep an eye out for the little numbers that show up in the tab. thanks

Yep, I have my Win notifications = Do Not Disturb. But I still get a sound so maybe turn your volume up. Also, you can click the forum topic notification Bell over to your right;

Also, (while I am at it) some don’t know to mouse drag this thingamajig over on your right for fast scrolling in a topic;

ok i clicked the bell set see if i get notices thanks

You should already be receiving notifications (via email) for threads that you started. Are you using an email client (such as ThunderBird) or another email client to receive the emails?

yahoo i get notices for all the other forum this is what i have for notifications and i use yahoo for email and i get notices in y mailbox for all the other forums… i must have something not set correct in this forum

getting back the the fitting. i did get the Bluetooth louder but it is a bit of a challenge as when you make a change in the blutooth signal program you have to disconnect the noah wireless programmer then the settings apply and then turn on the programmer again. i have to go back and lower the setting just a bit, on my phone i have to have the volume down so far that the Bluetooth disconnect. but that is all in the tweaking.

tomorrow i will redo the own voice i set myself up looing at the pc and it has the right ear just a bit off. again another tweak. but overall they seem to be doing well.

tell me should i be using the ax formula or the nal-nl2 formula? on the phonak the nal-nl2 is the default and on this signia program it is the ax formula thanks