Signia AX Charge & Go users… Any intermittent problems with little “whistles of feedback”?
I’m trial testing AX Charge & Go’s after 5 years of Signia NX Pures. I have molded ear pieces and “moderate hearing loss” .
Most of the time everything seems ok, but evenings (in front of the TV), or in a movie theater I get a short whistle/squeak every few minutes. (The sound is playing from my TV speakers…)
My audiologist here in Paris changed the feedback settings and she’s suggesting it might just be a “bug” and is offering to change them for another brand-new pair. It’s really only evenings in front of the TV that I notice this… During the day it seems fine, and if I put my hand to me ear have no feedback at all. But I’m wondering if anyone else is having problems like this.
Generally I’ve always be happy with my 12 years of Siemens/Signia’s, but I’m considering asking to try the Oticon More’s. I’ll add a question about Oticon More’s to that forum.
On the plus side the battery life of the rechargable batteries seems fine – even for my occassional 18 hour days. And, at least in a quiet room using the hearing aids as a microphone for speaking on my iPhone works well, the only complaints I have are when I’m in the street. My audiologist is going to try to set up a program for “iPhone microphone” that I can then choose.
Any input would be very welcome.
All the best
james benenson
I have AX7s with custom molds. If the molds don’t fit securely in my ear I can get a very high pitched quiet whistle. Pushing against them (well, it’s always just the right one) solves the issue.
Dear Zebras,
Thank you for your suggestion, but no, nothing is near my head or ears when I get the very short squeaking/whistling sounds. Our chairs have low backs.
all the best
Dear Jeffrey
Thank you for your suggestion, but I have custom molds for years and, granted these are brand-new freshly made molds, it does seem to be a problem of not having them all the way in.
My audiologist is going to switch the HA’s for another new pair of AX’s… We’ll see if that helps.
@benenson: Do you “nod off” when your watching TV? If you get “slack jawed” while watching, you’re ear canals (that’s a French word, I think) can change shape and sound waves can leak out around you’re molds, causing feedback.
Now they are almost perfect… what is weird is one of the HA’s suddenly almost has no volume when I’m streaming from my iphone or just when listening. Turning it off and on, even re-pairing it didn’t seem to work but when I put it on the charger for 30 minutes then the audio came back at the normal level…
I had this problem with the right HA and was convinced it was a hardware problem, so asked my audiologist to order a new right HA… I’m still in the trial period and she is doing everything possible to solve all my problems. What is weird is that this evening it was the left HA that suddenly had “no” volume…
Any ideas??? Is it just a transient glitch???
thanks for any suggestions…
james in Paris
My iphone 13 is iOS 15.6.1 Signia’s AX’s firmware 20.15.540.2 (which my audiologist thinks is the latest.)
sometimes when streaming on the phone my Ax7’s will cut out one aid. It usually only lasts a few seconds. and it doesn’t often happen. The Signia app is pretty bad-it gets horrible reviews. still, it’s working well enough most of the time. I can still hear fine with only one aid if one cuts out on the phone, so I ignore it.
The “cutting off” issue definitely seems to be settings/firmware related, as I was streaming for a couple of months without encountering it even once.
After some changes and firmware update it came back…