I’m starting this thread for anyone that has or wants the same setup as me. I would like to share my experiences along the way as I experiment. I would also like to hear (pun) from others with their experiences.
What I don’t like with the HA is the Spatial Configurator. I thought it would be something that really helped but that doesn’t seem to be the case yet. It’s only available in the Universal program setting. Bluetooth Phone and streaming audio is awful. I ended up removing the programs from my lineup. The programmer is hard to find and it seems to work great. I got my hands on Connexx 7.4 (don’t tell anyone). Siemens does not want us to have this because that means we can do for ourselves (must be treated like a bunch of idiots that don’t know better). I get it, it’s not for everyone. The software and programmer was easy to setup. I saved my settings from my hearing aids before adjusting anything. So far and just removed some programs and lowered the confirmation beeps that the audi had set at the highest level. Blew my ear drums out every time I changed the volume or program.
I would like to hear from someone that has more experience with the Connexx software that is willing to answer some questions.
Jake, did you have something more to offer? Did you just want to show me that you can do math? Are you concerned about my time & money? Maybe you missed the part that I said, “So far”? Or the part that I asked to hear from someone that has more experience with the Connexx software? I’m just curious what guys like you hope to accomplish with comments like that? Please enlighten me.
I have considerable experience with Connexx. Love you guys that run out spending money to program your aids but then have to come here and ask ‘what next’. Guys like you come here blowing smoke and when the kids laugh at you, you soon leave. Good luck hosing up the best hearing on the market with stolen software and grey market hardware.
Let me guess. A retired old man that has nothing better to do than hang out in the hearing aid forum shooting off one liners at everyone trying to prove that you had experience in old technology. Every forum has a few jerks, I mean jakes like you. They have a name for it, internet troll.
kenny you need to figure out the difference between a troll and an asshole who could care less about making friends. its his money hes welcome to piss it away anyway he pleases.
Suggestion: Audiology Online has free courses online. You have to become a member to view the courses but it’s free unless you wish to receive credits for the courses. Try searching the directory of courses By-Company, or for connexx
>> Audiology Online free courses <<
You mentioned people blowing smoke and soon leaving these forums. That’s only because of people like you jake. They see their threads being hijacked by jerks so they move on. I don’t know why the moderator hasn’t banned you a long time ago. I went through and read your posts. They amount to nothing but one line insults and cussing. You really need to get a life if it’s not too late for you. I’m sure you’re getting up there in age, it shows.
Ibanez, Jake is a fixture. He has had multiple logons revoked. He can be helpful when he’s not in his manic stage. There is an ignore feature you can exercise should you wish not to not see his posts.
Thanks pvc for the suggestion. I not sure I’m wanting to take some courses at this time. I am an engineer along with 30 years of computer experience so I’m not one to put my all my care into an audi when it’s obvious to me that he knows less than I do. That’s why I decided to purchase my own programmer. I’ll take the time to learn what I need to to make it happen. It’s too bad that jake hijacks these threads. If this forum is not here to help people then it has no purpose IMO. I can tell that you’re here to help. I read your other post and I appreciate that. Thanks again.
Thank you Ken. I will try and use that feature. It’s too bad this thread is shot at this point. I wish the moderator could go through and clean it up. I really came here to do something good for myself and hopefully help others along the way.
I bet my next retirement check i know as much as anyone on this forum about Siemens hearing aids, minitek, easytek, voi elink, tvlink or anything else Siemens makes forhearing aids… including Connexx. If you had a question you should have asked in your first reply. Have you noticed that no one is coming to your rescue. Most folks who claim to be smarter than their AuDs for some reason always seem to be ‘engineers’
Does anyone know what protocol the Spatial Configurator App uses to communicate with the easyTek? I’d love to port the app to Windows Phone 8 (I know, but it was supplied by work).
Also, using the stereo cable to TV with the FM Transmitter cuts the TV speakers out. I’d like my wife to be able to hear too and I really only need the voice amplified not the music etc. How do other people watch tv with other people?
I wear my hearing aids. My wife doesn’t need them. We turn on the TV and watch. I’m not sure I’m hearing as well as she does but I don’t ask her what people are saying as much as I used to. I tried using a streamer at one point but missed the bass that our soundbar puts out so now I just watch like I used to (except I wear my hearing aids)…