I’m starting this thread for anyone that has or wants the same setup as me. I would like to share my experiences along the way as I experiment. I would also like to hear (pun) from others with their experiences.
What I don’t like with the HA is the Spatial Configurator. I thought it would be something that really helped but that doesn’t seem to be the case yet. It’s only available in the Universal program setting. Bluetooth Phone and streaming audio is awful. I ended up removing the programs from my lineup. The programmer is hard to find and it seems to work great. I got my hands on Connexx 7.4 (don’t tell anyone). Siemens does not want us to have this because that means we can do for ourselves (must be treated like a bunch of idiots that don’t know better). I get it, it’s not for everyone. The software and programmer was easy to setup. I saved my settings from my hearing aids before adjusting anything. So far and just removed some programs and lowered the confirmation beeps that the audi had set at the highest level. Blew my ear drums out every time I changed the volume or program.
I would like to hear from someone that has more experience with the Connexx software that is willing to answer some questions.
Please weigh in.
added audiogram results 07-25-15