Should i ask REM when fitting my hearing aids by my aud?

Hello everyone

I would like to talk about my experiences with fitting a new hearing aid just a bottle i throw on the sea.

I’m a bit lost since my last experiences, I don’t know if there are any best practices or something I could ask my audioprosthesist for to hear better (should I ask to try a REM?).

I’ve been wearing hearing aids since the age of 2, so I’ve experimented with both analog and digital hearing aids.

2 years ago, my left ear deteriorated,

My right ear is almost dead (it worsened 12 years ago, and i felt like it goes out in 30 seconds, like gradually turning down the volume on the television! ) I can hear outside noises and certain words with my hearing aids.

I usually buy my hearing aids from Amplifon, a large group in Europe, and they have many centers in France.

The first time, 5 years ago:

I wear Beltone Amaze RIC type , the first time I got these, my audiologist had copied and pasted the old settings from my old Beltone Legend but they were BTE type !

So I quickly asked to reset my device from scratch then they have set up based on my audiogram and the software had set up automatically. The settings where okay on that time. No REM

Another experience from last week, I tried Ampli-Energy R 5 (based on Signia Charge and Go IX).

These hearing aids are okay :

  • I can hear better in calm room, but the bass is over-amplified,
  • Bluetooth LE is working with my phone, I can also answer calls!
  • Streaming audio is bad, bass is too strong .
  • Noise reduction is better than my Beltone Amaze

So my hearing aids where set up also based on my audiogram automatically.

When my aud do some modifications he ask me " How do you feel now ? "

So i feel obligated to say " yes i feel hearing better" but it may not the case so i had to go out to check out if i feel is better or not. sometime is hard to explain what i missing with my hearing aids.

I try to write down what i feel when i use my hearing aids to remember and tell to my aud.

Next meet is this Friday

Do REM is very important ? (got influenced by Dr Cliff videos ) , should i ask ?

as far i remember i never experienced a REM test or maybe when i was a child with analog HA ?

Thank you to whom read me !


REM (Real Ear Measurment) is a way to verify the hearing aids are getting adequate gain to your ears. It is considered standard of care but many don’t do it. It is reasonable to ask for it. You have a pretty marked loss. I would consider asking for a cochlear implant evaluation.


I agree, which is why I have an appointment in a few months !

The only questions I have about this are how to sleep against my right ear after my surgery and how sound feels with an implant and the learning curve.

Normally. You put your sound processor in dryer (dehumidifier) or case and go to nap/sleep.

On the beginning - squeals and chatter which get more shape and feature of normal sound during rehabilitation.

I recommend my 2 post and topic where they are:

There is a pretty accurate “roadmap” of rehabilitation. However, take it with a grain of salt.
Some people gain speech understanding quickly (especially, e.g., recently deafened individuals), while others gain it slowly. It is not a competition, and there are many variables to consider.


Yep makes sure the hearing aids are fitted properly.

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