I remember reading back around the time that I got my Marvel M-90’s that Costco was s telling a variant of the same aids, but it was missing just a few features
I’m considering buying a pair of the Sennheiser aids they are selling now. I read here that the consensus seems to be that they are equal to the Lumity L-70 models
Looking last night it seems that the L-70’s are similar to the L-90’s, only missing a few autosense programs. On the surface that doesn’t seem like too big of a deal…
Does anyone have confirmation that these are fully L-70’s?
Will I be missing any overt functionality compared to the L-90 aids I’d get from someone else?
things like the "tap control? still work?
multi-device Bluetooth?
What is the speech sensor and speech enhancer that is missing in the L-70?
echoblock seems like something I might miss. Is it?
What makes you think that Costco is going to begin carrying the Sennheiser hearing aids? There’s a YouTube channel called, “Hearing Club”. Brian, produces excellent videos about hearing aids. His day job is a Hearing Aid Specialist at a Costco in Pennsylvania. He claims that Costco’s employees and managers are not informed in advance of what hearing aid products they are going to be selling in advance. He says, that the employees in the hearing aid department don’t get any advance knowledge of what’s coming until the hearing aids arrive in their stores. Therefore, asking anyone to comment on the rumor as to which model that some hearing aid that Costco will be receiving or selling is just nothing but pure speculation.
I don’t know that it’s clear which model of Phonak aid the Sennheiser aid is. I’m not sure it matters. If you’re interested, try it out. You’ve got 180 days to make up your mind if it’s “good enough.” If you like it, keep it. If not, return it for a full refund.
Who saying they are L70’s? Costco only sell the premium models from the manufacturers, so that would make them L90.
L70 doesn’t have, SpeechSensor
Speech Enhancer
Comfort in Echo
Speech in Car
Speech in Loud Noise and I’m sure some other features.
There was another thread here that got into the weeds of it. I could be wrong but I think it was Dr. Bailey and some other folks that narrowed it down to the L-70
Also, about Costco only selling premium… As I mentioned in my original post starting this thread, I remember it said that the Phonak marvel version they sold back in the day was a lessor version compared to my M-90 aids. I have no proof of that and no idea what would have been omitted…
My understanding was that most things like this that Costco sells are negotiated products available ONLY at Costco… they have slightly different configurations or some other tweak…
Another example comes to mind… I bought my son a ANR Bose headset at Costco. As far as I can tell, the Costco version comes with a bag instead of a zipper case that you’d get retail…that I got ordering my pair from amazon. Otherwise it’s the same headphone
The Sennheiser at Costco do not have a T-Coil so I am no interested because I go the church a lot. I have Costco KS-10 (made by Sonna/Phonak) that work perfect. Purchased 4.5 year ago. Sent in last summer when out of warranty for new batteries (about $50 per aid) and they work perfect with T-Coil, TV adapter.
I was disappointed about that too for the same reason
but in my case I’ve come around to not using the T-coil at church much anyway. The system at our church isn’t a loop, it’s FM. I bought an FM receiver with neck loop to work with my T-coil. It helps tremendously to cut through the echo, but sadly the transmitter is in a rack room and not in the Nave or transepts and so it only works clearly in a very small portion of the church…and that doesn’t include the side my wife likes to sit on! I get so much static through the FM that it’s not worth the tradeoff for me.
Oh well… I’m hopeful though…I did hear that there are plans to upgrade the sound system this year, hopefully that will include auracast.
that brings up a side question: If I were to make suggestions to the sound guy, is there anything other than auracast I should ask for?
I donno, I’ve been corrupted by the forum, but if Phonak would be stupid enough to try and sell a low end model up against premium from the other manufacturers then they have lost sales before even staring, who wants old technology and models, just because it’s got a different name…?
I’m considering it becasue their others don’t seem to play well with android phones…
and even though Lumity isn’t the latest and greatest, it’s more updated than my Marvels and might just maybe be good enough for now since the price is low!
The Lumity isn’t much on the Marvel or Paradise, but yeah just for you t-coil set up then it could be worthwhile, as for asking your sound technician LE Audio with Auracast capability is the future, so if you can get that set up then dump Phonak and get a more premium model from the others at Costco who already offer LE Audio in their respective models being sold, now that would be a win… @Michael_Phonak
Well, I remember it was you @tenkan spekulating that there are no features in this solution? It is certainly not my intention to proof you wrong, but just hypothetically… maybe your list of descoped features is simply not true?
My advice always is to ask the audiologist. They know what’s in, and what’s needed. This is why I would never give direct advice on topics related to individual hearing issues, or competitive information…
Well to be fair I just listed what I found on phonak’s website here, remember some of these are programs not included in AutoSence, others are that the amount of control on each feature is just not as adjustable as the 90’s