I’ve got the latest Target software installed and am impatiently waiting in this snow storm for the mailman to deliver my NOAHlink so I can get started! I haven’t seen much in this group regarding self-programming with the Marvels, but I’m looking forward to trying it out. I work in technology, so I’m hoping it will go smoothly. I’ve got a list of small adjustments I’d like to make and settings to tweak. I’m still using these trial models and want to make frequent adjustments.
My audi found out yesterday that the M-13T will start shipping Feb 25th, so we submitted my pre-order for those today. Those should come with the new firmware that we’re waiting on. I’m assuming that firmware updates are applied via the Target software as well?
Let me know if you’ve had any experience self-programming the Marvels and any pointers or tips.
Just an FYI, just because they said Feb 25th, don’t hold your breathe. A lot of things could delay that. What color you want,if there is already a backorder, if the non-T comes out first. etc… Good Luck
oic; You can usually sell a Noahlink Wireless for same, or close to what you paid, so it’s really very little risk. It’s possible he may use it for the rest of his life. Sometimes your Audi is too busy to pay close attention to your fitting details.
Of course, all Audi’s will notice, even if a self programmer saves the original Audi’s settings and restores them before returning to the Audi. The database and hearing aids won’t match even though the settings are exactly the same.
But so what? It’s my hearing loss. It’s my hearing aids. I’m the boss, not the Audi
If it were me, and I’m not and audiologist, I’m a dispenser, I would want you to fill me in on what reasons you changed it, and what you changed. Yes its yours but some people would start increasing the cost of your office visit. Me, I’m a dummy and actually let one sweet little old lady come in for adjustments probably three to four times a week until I figured she was lonely and complained so she had someplace to visit. She also visited 3 other hearing aid places, post offices, stores,lol
Yeah, whatever works. I do place a high value the original Audi settings especially with REM and I use that as a basis for any of my own settings.
I always reset my settings back to the original Audi settings before I return (if I were to ever return, I don’t) as a precaution to eliminate any disagreements.
Some self-programmers have a co-operative relationship with their Audis. Yep, whatever works.
I moved forward with it after talking with my audiologist who I have a great relationship with. I’m still purchasing my Marvels through them and will see them regularly for check-ups, adjustments and of course for any repairs or issues. I’m a programmer/hacker/tinkerer and I really enjoy getting to know all of the in’s and out’s of the software, options, etc. I’ve taken all of the Phonak courses that were offered to make sure I understand as best as I can. After spending thousands on hearing aids, a little $250 box didn’t seem very expensive to me.
It will take the place of the noalink and/or Hi-pro for aids that are capable of being programed with the noahlink wireless. Go to noah and they should have a list of compatible aids that it will with. Hopefully the one you just received isn’t stolen.Good luck
What was your experience with programming the Marvels? I too have a NoahLink Wireless. I’ve fine tuned my Quattros extensively, and hope to do the same with my Marvel 13-T’s that are arriving soon. I’ve got the Target 6.0.1 software.
I haven’t done any programming yet while I’m still in my trial. I just did a single connection to verify everything was working with the hardware/software side of things. I’ve taken all of the courses offered on Audiology Online for the Marvel and for Phonak to learn all about how things work, and this isn’t my first set of hearing aids. I’m excited to get in there and spend some additional time in particular with regards to the usage logs, recommendations from the software, etc.