Samsung S24 Ultra and Oticon More 1

I just got a new Samsung phone, the S24 Ultra. The volume on it is not very loud in my hearing aids but I cannot figure out how to increase it. I tried going back to my old phone and they work like they used to so I know it’s not an additional hearing loss or a problems with my aids.

Can someone please give me some suggestions on how to fix this as it is pretty much unacceptable. Thanks for any help you might have. Is nothing ever easy??? :upside_down_face: :roll_eyes: :smirk:

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If you already increase the volume on your phone to max but it’s still not as loud as you’d like, you can bring the More back to your HCP to go to the page below and increase the phone loudness to the rightmost levels toward louder.

You can also take that opportunity to adjust the mic level relative to the phone, and the sound quality as well as the amount of power bass as seen in the screenshot below if you’d like to.


@Zebras , hope this page might helps. Take a look at the reply from Volusiano.


Why is one phone loud enough and another not? It would seem like a phone problem rather than a hearing aid programming problem. But I don’t really know much about mfi HAs.



Thank you for responding. I have the volume increased to max but it is not changing. I have to agree with WhiteHat. I think it’s a phone issue, maybe a setting I’m not aware of, and not a HA issue. It works fine on my old phone. The only thing that’s changed is the new phone. Do you know of a setting somewhere that can increase the capability of setting volume in the HAs??

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Those are my thoughts. If I increase it at the HA, then the other phone should be deafening! LOL!! Thanks for responding.

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Thanks for responding but I don’t think the HA settings are the issue. But it’s nice to see a Genie page from Volusiano!! I might have to get one!


I agree that it’s a phone issue and it’s not a hearing aid issue. Nevertheless, if you can’t fix the issue on the phone, at least there’s some wiggle room in the hearing aid to compensate for it, although it may not be by much, depending on where your default phone value is, and that might depend on your audiogram.

I remember one thing I tried on my Samsung Note 8 when I had the same issue → I went into the Developer’s mode (click on the build # 7 times in About Device, then disable Absolute Volume. That seems to help for me. Make sure to disconnect and reconnect the ConnectClip to get it to “take” the change.


@MDB is good with Samsung phones. Maybe be he can help.

Have you looked in settings, hearing devices, compatibility “on”


Hah! My expertise has been much overstated. :>) I haven’t got a clue. I’d try basics. Look at whatever settings you have access to. Try restarting everything. Things that don’t make sense often have a solution that doesn’t make sense. :>)


Thank you! The developer mode option is interesting. I’ll give it a shot too. Fortunately, the new phone has a 60 day trial and it’s only been 8 days so I have some room to explore there.


Ain’t that the truth!! About things not making sense…not your expertise! :rofl: I’m going thru everything as we speak. It’s just plain weird. I may exchange the phone and see if I have a weird one. It just isn’t making sense.


Yes, make sure ‘hearing aid compatibility’ is on.


Yes, hearing aid compatibility is on and BT volume is at 100% for both ears.


Have you adjusted the volume on the phone? The up/down button on the side of the phone.
It makes big changes on my phone while streaming anything.


Yes, I have. The sad thing is when the volume indicator gets to the midpoint, all sound goes away. I’m now wondering if it’s a phone issue. Only had the phone a week or so. I not tried streaming anything. I think I’ll try that and see if there’s a difference. I doubt it tho, same LeBT…

Thank you.

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This is very odd. Maybe a phone issue??
I moved from a Samsung S3 to a Pixel 3 for Cochlear compatibility. Then the Google Pixel 7a that’s LE Audeo. This phone has been a little less stable than the 3 but sounds better. The LE Audio has little glitches but is going the right direction.


I may go ask for another phone. But oh, ugh!! The thought of setting it up again makes me cringe. Even if it is all backed up.

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What about another BT device? If it happens the same way to all BT devices, then it’s definitely the phone. Otherwise, it might be a combination of the hearing aids and the phone that needs to be figured out.


I tried other BT devices with no issues so I’m sure it’s the phone. I’m taking it back tomorrow and getting a new one. The phone is a Samsung and previous one was a Samsung so it’s not that different. Just some changes due to the new operating system, but it’s not that many updates different.

Thanks, Volusiano!

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